Username: stolenglimpse Favorite episode/character/season/ship: Season 5 and Season 3 are pretty darn close together and I don't know the order for the other seasons. Favorite episode would be... hum... too hard to pinpoint 1. I love Buffy, Willow, Spike. I think Anya's really funny. Love Tara
Thank you for signing up and thank you for promoting the community (that is so nice that you were waiting for the community to come back!). I have added you with your extra skip.
Thanks! I see I forgot all about the pimping, sorry about that. I have rectified my mistake now. Not sure if it's too late, but I could probably use that extra skip!
I've never signed up for a lims type challenge before so here goes nothing:
Username: redsatindoll Favorite episode/character/season/ship: The Gift/Who are You, Dead Things, Anne, Bargaining, The Wish, Prophecy Girl, OMWF, The Pack, Earshot / Buffy Summers, Kendra, Nikki Wood, Willow, Tara, Dawn, Anya, Drusilla, Darla / Seasons 5-7; Spuffy, Woz, Bara; the Summers family relationship, Buffy & Willow friendship, Buffy & Tara friendship, interelationships of female characters in general
Haha! It means if you are busy and can't enter an icon for the week, you can use a skip. You get a maximum of 2. You earn the second one by promoting the community, which you did. :)
Username: crazycordy Favorite episode/character/season/ship: season 3 is my favorite season, but both becoming episodes (2x21-2x22) are probably my favorite, second would be enemies (3x17). favorite character is faith, then buffy, and favorite ship is buffy/angel and also willow/oz
Thank you so much for all of the links! I have a bunch saved but I like to see what sort of caps people prefer to use. I am always paranoid of the caps that I pick for challenges, haha.
The day they come out on bluray will be a happy day. Proper caps for the first few seasons? That would be amazing.
Comments 34
Favorite episode/character/season/ship: Drusilla/spike
Favorite episode/character/season/ship: Season 5 and Season 3 are pretty darn close together and I don't know the order for the other seasons. Favorite episode would be... hum... too hard to pinpoint 1. I love Buffy, Willow, Spike. I think Anya's really funny. Love Tara
Promo here:
Thank you so much for the feedback as well!
Username: Double Dutchess
Favorite episode/character/season/ship: Fool for Love, Spike, S5-6, Spuffy
Screen cap link: --
I am not sure when we will start yet, I will keep you posted!
Username: redsatindoll
Favorite episode/character/season/ship: The Gift/Who are You, Dead Things, Anne, Bargaining, The Wish, Prophecy Girl, OMWF, The Pack, Earshot / Buffy Summers, Kendra, Nikki Wood, Willow, Tara, Dawn, Anya, Drusilla, Darla / Seasons 5-7; Spuffy, Woz, Bara; the Summers family relationship, Buffy & Willow friendship, Buffy & Tara friendship, interelationships of female characters in general
Screen cap link:
Thank you for signing up and for promoting the community. I have added you with your extra skip.
I have added you with your extra skip.
Not to sound ignorant (hah) but what does that mean?
Favorite episode/character/season/ship: season 3 is my favorite season, but both becoming episodes (2x21-2x22) are probably my favorite, second would be enemies (3x17). favorite character is faith, then buffy, and favorite ship is buffy/angel and also willow/oz
Also thanks for the feedback!
I have all the season finale caps here:
and for zip downloads, here:
I used to have a btvs/angel fansite, but didn't have time for it. thinking about starting it up again, if the shows ever come out on bluray ;)
The day they come out on bluray will be a happy day. Proper caps for the first few seasons? That would be amazing.
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