Thank you to the 14 (!!) people that voted in the
feedback poll. I really appreciate your feedback!!!
Since it was pretty divided on what sort of round to have this time, I have decided to do a half and half sort of thing. Odd numbered challenges will be given themes like last round was. Even numbered challenges will be provided screencaps.
For those considering signing up and are concerned about the schedule with the holidays, this is what I am (hoping) the schedule will be. Just depends on the amount of sign ups!
- Challenge #1 will be posted on December 5th and will close (along with sign ups) on December 10th.
- Challenge #2 will be posted December 12th and will close on December 17th.
- Challenge #3 will be posted December 19th and will close on December 31st. So that one will run longer to give you all time if you are away on vacation and/or busy with other things!
-In order to join the round, just comment to this entry. Please give the rules a glance over before signing up. The only thing required for signing up if your username.
Form to sign up with:
Favorite episode:
Favorite screencap:
Promo link (if applicable):
-You may earn an extra skip if you promote the community (you can use the graphic above or just a text link to the community).
-Sign ups close when the first challenge's voting goes up. This will be on December 10th (this may be adjusted if we don't have at least 8 people signed up). The first challenge will be posted on December 5th.
setentpet (0) - first skip used in ch#2, last skip used in ch#8, Eliminated in
emmatheslayer (0) - skip used in ch#1. Eliminated in
ch#2black_bird80 (0) - skip used in ch#1, eliminated in ch#6 due to lack of entry.
crazycordy (0) - first skip used in ch#1, last skip used in ch#2. Eliminated in
neatmonster (1) - first skip used in ch#8.
orangerful (2) - dropped out before ch #1.
holtzmann (1) - Eliminated in
ch#6double_dutchess (1) - first skip used in ch#6, Eliminated in
ch#7teragramm (0) - Eliminated in
ch#1, voted back in during
ch#5 (comeback), last skip used in ch#7, eliminated in
ch#8scarred_loretta (0) - skip used in ch#8.
stolenglimpse (1) - first skip used in ch#2. Eliminated in
ch#4tinnny (1)