Title: Hairline Fractures 9
Disclaimer: Bones belongs to Fox, Hanson & Reichs
Rating: NC-17
Spoilers: Season 3 & 4
Summary: Brennan and Booth have been saying "I love you" for quite some time. It just took them a while to use the actual words.
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Comments 11
I wonder if HH will ever return to Zack's confession to Sweets that he didn't kill anyone?!
I love the idea that Booth just "knows" - god bless him and his gut. :)
Am super tired now as I stayed up too late reading! *g* But it was totally worth it hon.
Lovely story and it took me back to the old team and old Bones whilst adding a sprinkling of something new.
Thanks for writing and sharing xxx
I doubt HH will return to Zack's confession :( The whole thing with Zack being Gormogon's apprentice felt like a last minute, hurried idea rather than a planned plot.
Sweets' behavior annoyed me (OK, to be honest, his character often annoys me. It's like they are trying to shoe horn him into the show to cater for a specific segment of viewers or something) so I really enjoyed being a bit mean to him in this ;)
Sorry I kept you up too late!
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