I have to say, serenity eludes me. But on the bright side of things, next week is Thanksgiving so I'm going home upstate and going to see my puppies for 3 days! This of course means that I'm working my ass off now trying to get enough work done before so that I get one day - just one day - where I don't do anything school related. I think I can make this work.
Hey, we can IM on that one day when I get to play! Next week? *snugles*
Hmm, I started writing this before 1PM (and now it's 3:30PM) but got distracted by first my dad, then my brother on the phone. I was telling him my current self-wrought woes - he termed it "an abundance of intelligence and a dearth of wisdom" - I think he got it right. But I'm around now, probably won't be around Friday night (your time), but should be around all day Saturday so that we can IM sometime. Some friends are in the area who I want to see, yay!, and I haven't thought of doing school work in 36 whole hours. And my puppies are just the cutest things ever. Anyway, if you get online, email me and maybe we'll cross paths! (I don't want to leave AIM on bc my parents are around and they might be clever enough to wonder who "rinsbane" or "bensanri" is...)
Comments 4
I have to say, serenity eludes me. But on the bright side of things, next week is Thanksgiving so I'm going home upstate and going to see my puppies for 3 days! This of course means that I'm working my ass off now trying to get enough work done before so that I get one day - just one day - where I don't do anything school related. I think I can make this work.
Hey, we can IM on that one day when I get to play! Next week? *snugles*
C x.
Love you.
L x.
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