Title: Bring it on Home
Fandom: SPN
Pairing: Dean/Cas, Sam/Gabriel
Genre: AU, romance, drama
Warnings: slave fic in the same manner that Beauty and the Beast is slave fic
Word Count: 34697
Summary: When John sells his sons to Heaven in exchange for the Colt, Dean and Sam find themselves separated from each other and in the care of two very different angels. Dean and Cas work together to find out why Heaven wants Sam and how they can reunite the brothers - all the while growing closer every day. Meanwhile Sam should hate Gabriel and his endless string of conquests, but Gabriel's twisted sense of humor and attractive smile inspire something much more complicated.
Note: Written for
deancasbigbang. My first big bang! :> Thank you so much to
reapertownusa for the gorgeous artwork. You really captured the tone of the story in each one and I'm honored to have worked with you.
moonliteknight Part 1::
Part 2::
Part 3::
Part 4On AO3 Art Post