Title: The Necessary Trip To Camden Market
loopilyRating: G
Summary: An introduction to London as a teenager always needs a trip to the most eclectic market out there.
Prompt: 51. Spending a day in Muggle London.
Warnings: None
(Please click to view the image full-size) Please take a quick minute to rate this fic/art! Results will be secret. The top 3 rated fics and top art will receive special awards and banners; this is all in the name of fun. Please do not vote for your own submission. This poll will be closed on September 10th.
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Ratings System
1 = Not bad, but not my kind of Lily/James Fic/Art ;
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3 ...
4 ...
5 = Nicely done! ;
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9 ...
10 = Best Lily/James story/art, ever - deserves the Order of Merlin, First Class!
Poll The Necessary Trip To Camden Market