I really wanted to participate but I have another epic fic commitment for a friend (IT'S LILY/JAMES AND ANGSTY :D) so that will take writing priority for a while. But I'd LOVE to participate in the flash round.
I really wanted to participate but I have another epic fic commitment for a friend (IT'S LILY/JAMES AND ANGSTY :D) so that will take writing priority for a while. But I'd LOVE to participate in the flash round.
So we still get awesome fic and your flash round participation? There is no loss in this at all, me thinks. Can't wait to read epic!fic. :)
I'm so excited to be a part of this and these teams look fantastic. I've read/ seen some of almost everyone's work and it's a pleasure to be working with you guys.
And by all of that, I mean I've read the rules/ guidelines and am definitely participating. ;)
Comments 120
You can still join us for the Flash Round stuff though. We'd love to see more flawless!Ashley fic. :)
I really wanted to participate but I have another epic fic commitment for a friend (IT'S LILY/JAMES AND ANGSTY :D) so that will take writing priority for a while. But I'd LOVE to participate in the flash round.
So we still get awesome fic and your flash round participation? There is no loss in this at all, me thinks. Can't wait to read epic!fic. :)
And by all of that, I mean I've read the rules/ guidelines and am definitely participating. ;)
We will win!
And then we will worship the other team. :D
Yes, this is really a win-win situation. :) Great to have you on the team!
(I've read everything!)
Team Stag shirts would be flawless!
I actually have socks with stags on them, haaa.
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