Title: First Kiss(es)
Rating: All
Summary/Notes: A short piece that covers the beginning of a relationship. The lyrics are from Vienna Teng's "Recessional"
'It's so beautiful here,' she says;
'This moment now and this moment, now.'
And I never thought I would find her here:
flannel and satin, my four walls transformed.
But she's looking at me, straight to center,
No room at all for any other thought.
And I know I don't want this.
Oh I swear I don't want this.
There's a reason I don't want this, but I forgot.
A slow kiss, hesitant. Lips, soft, pressed against Kate's own, just long enough for the pressure to be real. Teyla pulls aways and then kisses briefly again. She waits. Kate breathes in deeply, aware she sits now on a precipice. Teyla watches her; she'll follow Kate's lead now. No stuttering explanations. Little awkwardness. Just an offer and Kate, who has never considered other girls as attractive, is surprised by her willingness to accept.
She had helped Teyla once their first year in the galaxy and Teyla had repaid her with friendship and a patient ear. That friendship had grown and now, three years later, they were here-- and Teyla is still quiet and waiting. In another life, Kate would have asked Teyla to leave by now or, had the other girl not been a close friend, turned the kiss into a point for exploration, shifting the too personal into the realm of the professional. Now, however, she is hesitating, considering.
"All right," she says and Teyla smiles. Kate meets her mouth for another kiss, this one firmer, less unsure, the first of something strange and new.