Finding Each Other Again, a BSG fanfic

Jan 30, 2009 16:37

Hey, look! It's the sequel to Past Lives! Betaed by laurawillows . Thanks, bb!

Title: Finding Each Other Again
Author: Lily Winterwood
Rating: T (or M based on your preferences)  for semi-explicit frakking
Fandom: BSG
Characters: Bill Adama, Laura Roslin
Pairings: A/R
Summary: Set during "A Disquiet Follows My Soul". We relive Earth!Bill and Laura's last intimate moment together ...
Disclaimer: BSG belongs to Ron D. Moore, who is not me. Honestly, do I look like him?

Finding Each Other Again

"Madame President,” Bill Adama says quietly as he enters his quarters, closing the hatch behind him.

"I knew you’d come,” Laura Roslin replies. She lights the last candle, straightens up, and smiles a little at him. The candlelight dances across her face, a face that displayed the signs of grief and uncertainty mere hours ago, a face that now shows nothing but affection.

Bill’s certain his own expression mirrors hers as he steps towards her. She still hasn’t changed out of her jogging outfit, and that blue headscarf still covers her bare head. Despite that and her cancer, he still thinks she is the most beautiful person in the universe.

When he kisses her, the tenderness is still there, but there’s passion lying underneath.


"Laura?” Bill calls, entering the bedroom. “Laura, where are you?”

"Right here,” she replies, exiting the bathroom in a lacy black slip. Bill felt his breath hitch in his throat. “What is it?”

Bill blinks at her, almost like an owl. “Nothing,” he finally says. “Well, there was something, but I lost my train of thought.”

"Good, because you won’t be needing it,” she purrs.

When she kisses him, she somehow manages to steal all the air from his lungs.


When Bill removes Laura’s headscarf, he does so reverently.

She is not so gentle with his uniform, almost tearing it off of his chest in a mad frenzy. It seems that the moment of tenderness for her has passed. She is trying to live for today, because there might not be a tomorrow for her. The thought tears at his heartstrings.

Bill’s just content to kiss her neck and shoulders, pausing as she takes his tanks off. She traces his scar with a finger, and he feels his heartbeat quicken at her touch.


In all their years together, Bill has never seen her desperate side come out in the bedroom.

Laura’s divested him of all his clothes. She’s also straddling and kissing him, with one hand caressing his face. But there is an urgency to her movements, a feeling that she wanted to get the most out of whatever time they had left together.

When she gets the angle right and goes down on him again, he forgets the strangeness of this coupling. Lost in her as he always has before, Bill wills himself to enjoy it, too.


They’ve somehow managed to make it to his rack. Bill doesn’t know how, because he certaintly wasn’t leading.

They’ve also somehow managed to rid the other of their clothing. Bill doesn’t know how, because he certaintly wasn’t being the aggressive one.

All tenderness is gone by now, shed with their clothes. Laura’s kissing him roughly, letting her lips and her hands create a map of him for her to keep. He returns in equal measure, trying to remember every curve and hollow, every last bit of the magificent creature named Laura Roslin.

When Bill collapses onto the matress, Laura clambers on top almost like a predator.


"Why are you so rushed?” Bill finally asks her as they lay together. He’s still inside her, but she’s made no effort to get off.

"Premonitions,” she replies darkly. “I think this will be the last time we’ll be like this together.”

He can’t find a response to that, so he settles for kissing her. “I love you,” he murmurs. “Even if there is no tomorrow, I’ll always love you.”

"Even if there is no tomorrow, I’ll always love you, too.” She smiles at him for the first time since she exited the bathroom. “I’ll wait for you in heaven, because God knows we’re not Cylons and we won’t be reborn.”

"But what if we are?” He lets her toy with the idea while fondly nuzzling her neck. “The Cylons here on Earth believe in reincarnation, that all our lives have happened before and will happen again. What if that’s true, regardless of whether you’re human or Cylon?”

"If we’re reborn, we’ll meet again. Somewhere, somehow.”

The next day Earth is nuked by the other Cylons.


Leave it to Saul Tigh to ruin a perfect moment with a frakking phone call.

"They’ve found the tylium ship,” Bill says wearily as Laura replaces the telephone back into its receiver.

"Mmhmm,” she answers.

"Do you care?”


They chuckle.

Bill kisses her shoulder. Her desperation is gone; he could sense it in her. “Good night,” he whispers.

"Night,” she murmurs in reply, absentmindedly stroking his arm.


Dying isn’t so bad, Bill thinks as the debris from collapsing buildings hit him and Laura. He doesn’t feel pain. He stopped feeling it long ago.

Laura’s already dead, and that thought is more painful than any falling building. He welcomes the darkness of death gladly, hoping to see Laura again.

Now, Bill still doesn’t remember death. He doesn’t remember his past life. All he remembers is being born again and never questioning it. He doesn’t question why he lives again. Life is a gift.

When he and Laura meet, they meet at the end of the world.

Through space and time, Bill Adama and Laura Roslin have found each other again.

bsg: general, bsg: laura roslin, bsg: bill adama, fangirl: fanfiction, bsg: adama/roslin, bsg: past lives

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