Title: Live Long and Prosper (part 3 of "His Universe" series)
Author: Lilac Summers
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Eleven/Donna, smidge of Amy and Rory
Classification: shenanigans and shouting?
Rating: PG
A/N: Next part of "His Universe" series. Donna has mysteriously returned to the TARDIS, where she finds the Eleventh Doctor and his new
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Comments 22
Beyond that, Rory is adorable, with a core of steel in him that's well-hidden and very appealing. She'd tap that, if he were single and if she wasn't certain Amy would all-out murder her. I can't even! Between Donna's thoughts about Rory and her Tic Tac maraca, I couldn't contain my giggles. And yet, it's sad because it's almost like Donna is "making do" with Eleven, his new companions, and new life. She needs to find where she fits into this new equation. Eleven needs to have a serious chat with Donna instead of instigating a screaming match ( ... )
I'm toying on whether I should make the next chapter explain how exactly Donna got her memory back. ;D
Can't wait to see what happens next! I mean, I would love it if Rory tried to go and talk Donna off her Cliff of Fury (tm), but I suspect it will be Eleven eating humble pie as he tries to work out how Donna remembers all those things she shouldn't.
Bring on more, and soon!
I do think it's time for some Rory! I think so far he's only had like 2 lines, in three chapters!!
:D Glad you're sticking with me!
DoctorDonna, oh yes!! "Live long and prosper," that had me snickering.
As for the fight between Donna and Eleven, it's got to be difficult for both of them, adapting to the new situation. Still the same old Donna, though, she doesn't back down and even managed to get in one of her slaps. Eleven, on the other hand, reacted differently from Ten; he didn't back down so easily, he almost scared me. I can't believe he told her to go to her room!
And a mystery... how does Donna remember how to stabilize the TARDIS? Although Ten did give Donna lessons on flying her, so maybe it's some of that? But then Eleven wouldn't be so surprised, would he. Hmm...
I can't wait until you update again.
Keeping the mystery of Donna's fixit close to my chest! Though it will come out soon, maybe in the next chapter. Or maybe it will be the last chapter. Aaaargh, I don't know!!
Thank you for the lovely comments, as always!
Whew! There needs to be several heart-to-hearts here. Rory and Donna talking would be awesome in so many ways. Can you see her asking if he has an older cousin or something? ;D And Amy needs to hear about Martha, and Rose. And Eleven... oh, that Spaceman needs several heart-to-hearts. One for each problem they're facing, and I'm too tired to get into them right now.
And forgetting about River? Maybe that's part of why the Snog looked so gob-smacked when she realized it was Donna in the Library. *snickers* Sorry, but I'm enjoying that thought. :D
I'm so feeling guilty for relegating Rory to the sidelines. I need to remedy that! You know what would have been super cool? Rory and Donna and the Doctor. Don't get me wrong -- Amy&Rory are adorable, but I bet it would have been funny as hell to see Rory and Donna interact.
In this series, though, Amy does know all about the past companions. Donna was the only one the Doctor had kept to himself, because he's a big old sentimental martyr. :D That's how I love my Doctor!
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