Don't be stressed out! Ok, well you can be stressed out because MCAT's are a big deal. Are you allowed to take them over like the SAT's or the Bar exam for law? I'm glad you took a break for yourself to go see Harry Potter. I was supposed to go the other day but I was sick so I couldn't go with my friends. I think my Mom and I might go see it at one point or another. I'm wondering if it will come to the Byrd. Anyways, once you are done with your MCAT's we need to hang out. Or if you want to hang out this week if you get too freaked by studying just call or text me. As for you starting to smoke when you begin med school, I don't think you will. Once you see a patient cough up half a lung and choke because of emphysema I doubt you will want to smoke out of fear that could happen to you. Anyways, I love you and watch out of the West Nile Virus!
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