Room 328, Sunday Morning

Feb 25, 2007 13:14

Dear Buffy,

Yes, I'm still alive and well. No, you don't need to send a team of slayers to come rescue me from anything, unless they want to come or are bored or something. How long has it been since I talked to you? I forget.

Um, first thing. You should stop sending tape. We're not using it, and it's just getting ridiculous. Plus, I love him and he loves me and he let me teach him how to dance and he's not a vampire and not at all evil, so you really don't have to worry. Honest. No more tape! Valentine's Day was incredible--I got flowers, and a teddy bear, and then he and I--IN BLATANT DEFIANCE OF THE TAPE LINE--snuggled and read to each other and did other stuff I'm not telling you about. Maybe it's not such a stupid holiday.

Now, I know you're going to be all you about it, but we're not using Faith's presents either. And no, I'm not telling you what she sent and you should just ask her if you want to know. The enclosed dildo cozy is for her, not for you, because I assume she's got a couple and you don't have any and y'know, if I'm wrong, never tell me. Alec made it. Yes, Alec who's doing something I'm probably too young to know about with my ex-boyfriend Dean (not that it stops him from telling me). Turns out he likes to crochet.

Next, there's a slayer and a scythe here. I mean, other than you. And yes, that scythe, with the pointy and the mystical and all that stuff. Mel doesn't get the dreams or visions, though, I guess, which maybe has something to do with her being from 200 years in the future. Yes, weird chronofluidity issues are alive and well here in Fandom. Xander is back, too (and six years older and missing an eye and incredibly sad and there's so much I wish I could have told him), and he spent a weekend as a vampire and almost ate her is helping me be her Watcher. There's patrolling and everything, not that there's really any point in patrolling around Fandom--most of the bad guys are either teachers or students. Still, slayers patrol, so that's what we're doing. I think Mel's hoping something attacks soon, just to relieve the boredom.

Just so you don't think that I'm completely safe, because I know you'd worry just as much about that, Molly and Cam unleashed there was an accidental thing that turned me (and a bunch of other people!) about half transparent/half-solid for a few days. Sam took good care of me, though, and it was temporary, once there was some black wispy evil butt-kicking (not that wispy evil has butts, but I figured you'd know what I meant), and I'm back and solid and have to make up my government exam at some point (I couldn't take it because I couldn't hold a pencil). Speaking of government class, I met a President of the United States yesterday and offered him a job with the Watchers Council. Um, yeah. Anyway, it'll be a few more years until he's free, but he knows Sumerian, Latin, and Greek. Plus, I've got a good feeling about him.

From the I-wasn't-in-danger-but-whoa-was-that-weird file, last weekend all the faculty and adults ended up turning into little kids. Xander was all kinds of whoa-out of control-adorable, but Bridge and Willow took really good care of him and I helped Bridge make spaghetti. (See? I can too be helpful!) Then, the next day, I ended up helping Dean and Sam with their seven-year-old dad (I told you this place was strange). We cleaned up the waffle mess (seven year olds plus waffle mix are non-mixy things, which you should remember and I said I was sorry about dumping it in your hair, didn't I? The stuff in your backpack? Not so much), then Sam and Mr. Winchester got into an argument, I sent them both to time-out, Mr. Winchester and I had a nice chat, and then Sam and Mr. Winchester went for a walk and hopefully worked out some issues.

Oh, and Mr. Winchester? Is my mentor. So, y'know, I'm still meeting my embarrassment quota nicely.

In way more depressing news, Bel got possessed or went all Angelus or whatever, and people had to kill him to stop him from attacking other people. I helped research and look for an answer, but couldn't find anything. His memorial is today, and I'm not sure if I'm going.

Bridge stopped by to help me get him back together with Xander. I think that shouldn't be too tough, and I want them to be happy. So, nosy!Dawn to the rescue.

I think that's all the news that's fit to print. Write soon.


P.S.: Oh! I forgot--Molly wanted to know how you, a wee person with superstrength, got people to take her seriously. Any advice you have would be good, and I'll pass it on to her--she's kind of having a tough time.

Me (again)

[ooc: Post is open, Door is not]

328, letter to buffy

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