Hey it doesnt mean im a Daddys Girl cause my dad left work came and cleaned off my windows and warmed up my car for me so at 2:15 when i went out to get in it it wasnt cold. I hate cold cars. So yeah even still i didnt drive to work cause 488 was just way to bad for my little car
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BLUE STATES/RED STATES - Who’s who, anyway? “I remember when I was a kid and Georgia was purple,” says Peter Pietrangelo, Sault Ste. Marie, Mich. “A good map has more than two colors
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on the cheek. on the lips. on their hands or fingers. in my room. in their room. of the same sex. of the opposite sex. younger than me. older than me. with jet black hair. with curly hair. with blonde hair & blue eyes. with flaming red hair. with straight hair. smaller/shorter than me. bigger/taller than me. with a lip ring. who was drunk.
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So i have been really busy with work and all. I got a bunch of gifts from my kids in my two's class.And cards from other kids from out the school. But im working next week too except for two days. But more and likly ill go up and see everyone. Me and Brandy protested our "uniform" for work yesturday! We wore jeans bc we wanted to. Not like anyone
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