Really Long Survey (over 200) Created by
starsbleed2nite and taken 73053 times on
bzoink!What is your name?mariaAre you named after anyone?uuhh...idkWhat's your screename?iluvelves4590Would you name a child of yours after you?f noIf you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?hmmIf you could switch names with a friend who
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Comments 5
I haven't posted a comment on your lj in like 5039456843 years so I decided i would today. I miss you! I think I'm gonna call you so we can talk on the phone and I don't have to wait for you to get online? I have nationwide on my cell and free nights so ill call you after 9 so it can be free for both of us? Do you have your cell? Or did you get that taken away too? Okay well I hope you have a good spring break. I MISS YOU! AND SO DOES MADI AND EVERYONE ELSE. COME VISIT US THIS SUMMER IT WILL BE SO AWESOME!
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