Title: "The Hooker"
Characters: Charlie/Colby, Don, Edgerton, Liz, David, Nikki
Word count: 1,369.
Rating: PG-13.
Spoilers: The Janus List (Season 3), Trust Metric (season 4), Blowback (season 5)
Warnings: None (Do I really need to precise that a Charlie/Colby story is a slash?). Repost from ff.net
Summary: A fight happened when Charlie discovers
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Comments 9
before Love it loved the new adds to the fic
Thanks Colombo! You really should apply for the F.B.I.!”
rofl go charlie
i do indeed hope there's more to come from you
I know what you're going through
Really, that episode was so OOC, I can't believe Colby went to bed with her. I mean, I'm grateful for the sexy body of his we could see, but it still bothers me that writers didn't handle the sex in a believable way.
As you can see, the hooker still makes me mad, but... I love your fic! Thank you so much for writing it for me!!! You are so sweet... *hugs you tight*
I'm glad you liked it! Did you notice the differences?
it still bothers me that writers didn't handle the sex in a believable way.
You just jealous of the hooker... Admit it! :p
I'm not really jealous, because one-night-stand with Colby, really... It's a very nice idea, but it seems a bit meaningless. I prefer to have him forever and not just for a couple of hours.
It was amazing!!
I hope you write more, it was really good.
Charlie made me laugh when he made snarky comments.
Thanks for sharing.
Take care
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