festivids treat for
danegen. Original post
here on lj and
here on dw.
title: dance anthem of the 80's
fandom: the lost boys
music: dance anthem of the 80's by regina spektor
summary: there's a meat market down the street
warnings: violence
notes: After making the Young Guns vid and re-discovering my deep and true love for Kiefer Sutherland's adorable face, I came across this song and despite initial doubts this vid was born. Some people said in the comments that they were surprised to feel things when watching this vid. I had a similar experience while making it. I started out as "this could work, let's see" and when I made the "now I'm getting touched all the time" part I was like "OMG, yes, Michael/David totally and seriously forever!!! I never knew how right you were, teenage me!".
comments are loved!
23mb wmv If the embed won't work, you can watch it
here on vimeo.
password: dance
here on dreamwidth: