Title: Revenge
Rating: G
Fandom: Prince of Tennis
Character: Ibu Shinji/Echizen Ryoma
Author's Notes: Thrird letter, from Shinji to Ryoma
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Do you know how rude it was to point out that you were writing back just out of obligation? Just for that, I will write you again, so you have to write me back yet again, but I’m not just writing you back out of spite, but also because I’m bored and the people around me are boring so you’re the most interesting thing by default, even if its not really you and just a piece of paper, but you will be reading it, unless you just toss the envelope in the trash when you see it, and I hope you don’t do that because that would be even ruder than replying out of obligation.
I can read what you crossed out, you know. If you did not want me to read it, you should’ve just recopied the letter, but I suppose that would’ve been too much effort for an obligation, so I guess I have to forgive you for that. And I did call you cute, so you will have to deal with that, and, besides, from what I understand, your entire team, or former team, thought you were absolutely adorable.
It is very rude to tell me who I can and cannot write about, Echizen. If I want to write about Tachibana-san, I will write about him. And I will now, because he made a bet with Fuji and Fuji lost, so Fuji had to play a match against Tachibana-san in the girl’s tennis uniform. Momoshiro and I both agree that Fuji lost on purpose to show off his legs. He does have nice legs, though. I’m enclosing pictures, so you can see how nice his legs are, though I suppose you’ve seen his legs before and will be more interested in the tennis being shown in the pictures, hasn’t anyone ever told you that life isn’t just all about tennis yet?
Speaking of Momoshiro, I do not think he will make the best captain for Seigaku this coming season. He is too interested in being everyone’s friend. Almost like Kamio-kun is with us, only he’s trying too hard to be like Tachibana-san, and he won’t listen to anyone who says he just has to be his own captain. Come to think of it, a lot of teams are having captain troubles. I hope everything gets sorted out before the new season starts.
Class is going to start soon, and while I could get away with writing this during class, I won’t try because you aren’t worth getting in trouble over if I get caught.
--Ibu Shinji
P.S.: Grip tape is not all the same, even if it is made in China. There are superior brands and inferior brands, and not everyone stocks the same brands. Besides, my grip tape was not made in China. It was made in England. I just checked.