fanfic fanart

Dec 08, 2007 10:29

Fanart inspired by the-fic-that-floored-me: The Price We Pay For Wings, also known as the-fic-that-made-me-emotionally-unstable.

I always envy writers; talented story tellers who have the power to move us to tears through words, which is something I think art can hardly achieve to such an extent. Surely good art can make us think, give us hope and joy, despair and confusion, maybe bring us back old memories. But so far I have never been emotionally affected for days (and craving chocolate like crazy) by a piece of art, and I don't think my best art could ever make anybody cry.

I remember myself crying for movies at strange spots, at scenes that nobody find tear-jerking. I could cry for songs for the lyrics, for comics, for any kind of stories. The last story that made me cried was OotP, at the scene where Harry broke Sirius' mirror. After that one, I seemed to have lost the ability to cry over stories. For the said brilliant fic that inspired the art, it didn't make me cry, but it did disturb my sleep, make me restless, give me huge urge to draw, together with horrible chocolate cravings.

That maybe the reason why I like doing comics - I can tell a tale through minimal words. Never mind my comics are never good or moving because I suck at conveying my thoughts, damn it. And that makes me envy people who seem to have posessed this talent at birth and can write to pierce our hearts.

As for the art, it's much harder to draw than I have anticipated. Or perhaps it's because I was losing sleep from eating too much chocolate. I wish I have the whole weekend to do some more art, but annoyingly I have to work this Sunday. If you know anybody willing to sponsor a fanartist who only draws h/d, kindly inform me immediately.

art: illustration, art: fanart, user: frayach, fic: the price we pay for wings, harry potter: harry/draco, comm: hd_holidays

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