Gift art for the most fabulous kasche, plus alpha

Jun 07, 2007 13:14

Remus and Sirius fanart, for the most talented and generous kasche.

#1 - Remus (G)

#2 - Sirius (G)

I don't know how to express my thanks to you, Bruni. I wish I was more inspired and could draw you something more elaborate, but sadly my love for Remus/Sirius has dimmed considerably since HBP came out. Hence the two mediocre watercolor sketches of Remus and Sirius. They simply cannot compare to the gorgeous art you did for me, but I still hope you'd like them.

I also have Narcissa and Bellatrix fanart. Despite being the murderess of our Sirius Black, Bellatrix is still my second favorite villain in HP.

#3 - The Black Sisters (Narcissa and Bellatrix, G)

In other news, I'll be going on hiatus in mid-July, for a month or two. I've been working hard and drawing like there's no tomorrow to make sure that I don't owe anybody art before RL steps in.

BTW, the Japanese title of Deathly Hallows is currently 死の秘宝, which can be roughly translate into "the secret/mysterious treasure of death". Don't know if the "secret/mysterious treasure" has anything to do with the story or if it's just a random word choice. *ponders*

art: fanart, harry potter: remus/sirius, gift art, harry potter: narcissa, harry potter: bellatrix

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