Celebrating the return of pornish_pixies...

Jun 03, 2007 08:21

...may I present you semi-pr0n?

Red Silk - H/D, NWS

Started this yesterday afternoon, after consuming an unusual amount of dark chocolate and pistachio nuts. I know chocolate is an aphrodisiac, but pistachio nuts? Well anyway, I haven't been doing watercolor for quite a while, so it's quite a good exercise for me.

Can't seem to be able to draw real porn, though. :-( It's like some people can never drive stick. *points to self*

This is done for THE INTERNET IS FOR PORN CHALLENGE, but I don't know if it's pornish enough to post there. Help me decide, please?

Poll Should I link this to the pornish_pixiesChallenge?

ETA: Submitted!!!
ETA2: I hate hate hate packing up, esp packing up winter clothing. Sneezing won't stop, and that smell of mothballs makes me dizzy. And sneezing won't stop. :-(((

Seriously, I didn't think pornish_pixies would be back again. I was overjoyed to see the strike-through disappeared. :-D Fanwork is so much fun to make, and much more fun to share. I wish there were non-profit web-space for fan communities, and that copyright holders would someday appreciate the fact that fanwork could help promote their products. I also wish I could fly. *sighs*

Less than 24 hours before Monday - gotta go draw some more. :-)

art: fanart, harry potter: harry/draco

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