Fanart for hd_holidays

Jan 14, 2007 20:42

So the reveal of hd_holidays is up. This is what I drew.

Title: Quidditch One-on-One
Pairing: H/D
Rating: G
Note: Gift for stormwynd.

( Quidditch One-on-One )

Not so revealing, is it? :-) I guess anon exchange can't really be very anon for us fanartists.

Random notes about the art:

+ The order I did the pictures: 1 -> 2 -> 3 -> 5 -> 4 -> 7 -> 6 -> 8 -> 0 -> 9

+ Medium: watercolor and pencil on 10cm x 14cm watercolor paper (cold-pressed for 1, 2, 3 and 4; hot-pressed for the rest).

+ Again, thank you very much for all of you who commented over there. You've given me the best Christmas present. I'll reply to all your comments for sure. Just gimme some time.

+ Thank you very much legomymalfoy for all the hard work you've done for us at hd_holidays. This is my first holiday exchange, and I had a wonderful experience. Thank you!

+ Random thoughts on:
pic #1 - I find the hardest thing about drawing Harry is to get his glasses right. Now when I look at HP fanart the first thing I look at is the glasses.
pic #2 - I nearly trashed this one as it was not how I like my Draco. He's way too round and built in the picture. But I thought it'd be nice to see another Draco once in a while, so I left it there.
pic #3 - This one probably took me the least time to draw. The experience was also the most intense.
pic #4 - I hate you, Golden Snitch.
pic #5 - The fingers gave me a tough time. Definitely need more practice with drawing body part close-ups. The Snitch here seemed to be less hate-provoking.
pic #6 - I wasn't very happy about the water in this picture. Not as natural as I'd like it to be. I really should get off my lazy ass and start working on drawing landscape.
pic #7 - What I draw always reflects the season.
pic #8 - Draco's left arm was a mistake. I quite like his pants, though.
pic #9 - My absolute favorite.
pic #0 - I like this Draco. The color isn't quite right and his teeth appears tea-stained. He almost reminds me of those Japanese teenage boys I saw in Osaka, who bleach their black hair and eyebrows and dye them yellow/reddish brown. But I like this him a lot, somehow.

aome wrote this brilliant poem in response to Quidditch One-on-One. I have zero knowledge of English literature and I can never express myself in words about why I like a piece of writing or what makes it good (not to mention I cannot write to save my life). All I know is that I like good writing, and I like this poem. A lot. Thank you very much, aome. I feel honored.

Hope you all had a good weekend! :-)

art: fanart, harry potter: harry/draco, comm: hd_holidays

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