Hawaii Hightlights

Feb 17, 2012 03:41

Last week Jason had to attend a C++ conference in Hawaii, so Alice and I tagged along. Here are some highlights of the week:

Where we stayed: Royal Kona Resort. It's getting a little shabby, but the location (just off the end of the main drag, easy walking distance to everything, but no street noise to deal with) can't be beat and it's fun to be ( Read more... )

adventures, restaurants, outings, food, travel, parenting, hawaii

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Comments 9

kalliejenn2 February 17 2012, 14:01:58 UTC
that sounds like an amazing trip! I hope we are able to make it to Hawaii some day - I've always wanted to go.


lillibet February 17 2012, 16:45:59 UTC
I hope so, too! It's really beautiful, fun and relaxing.


schmoomom February 17 2012, 19:28:37 UTC
POKE!!! I already miss poke.

Richard and Marina! <3 Haven't seen them in forever. And how is Benjamin doing?

I miss the C++ crowd.


lillibet February 17 2012, 21:42:54 UTC
I ate like two cupfuls a day of raw tuna.

Richard & Marina seem just the same--their boys are just about the same ages as yours and talk just like Marina in Spanish and Richard in English.

Benjamin's having RSI issues and he and Abigail just bought a house in the Mission that they're having a lot of renovations done on. So he seemed a bit frazzled, but otherwise good.

We also hung out with a woman from Intel, Tatiana--this was her first meeting and she had brought her husband, Mark, and their five year old, Benjamin, who was a very sweet kid.

It is so funny watching all these incredibly smart kids playing together and getting along like a house afire. One might have predicted they'd do well together, but it's funny to see how good a fit it is.


chanaleh February 17 2012, 20:35:59 UTC
How awesome -- thank you for posting this!

I promised my mom I would take her to Hawaii next April for her 70th birthday (hard to believe April 2013 is already on my personal radar, but hey), so I am starting to think about what to do. She's been dying to go her whole life, but since she doesn't really do the beach (which is the primary thing *I* can see wanting to go for, aside from hiking the lava fields which is probably right out!), I am kind of at a loss as to what exactly she *will* want to do. :-) Though I had the insight today that for her birthday *this* year, I should send her a guidebook and let HER figure it out...!


lillibet February 17 2012, 21:39:02 UTC
There is so much to do there! I'm not really a big beach person and was afraid I'd be bored the first time I went, but I never am.

I can also send you my trip report from 1999, when we went to O'ahu, as well as the Big Island, if you think that would be useful.

I really enjoyed Hawaii: The Big Island Revealed this time around, but last time we used Hidden Hawaii and were delighted with the out-of-the-way places it led us on O'ahu. If you're not sure which island(s) you're going to, that might be a better bet.


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lillibet February 17 2012, 21:39:25 UTC
It was! Lots of adventures and lots of raw fish :)


bex77 February 18 2012, 01:22:09 UTC
Oh it is so nice to relive my trip there... went to most of these places. Such "another world" from here... Ah, Waipeo...


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