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Comments 4

rascalthemutant May 24 2009, 16:33:41 UTC
Good luck with it! It sounds like fun, but I just don't think I have time for it. I want to get more into richard_stills and regency_stills. I've been neglecting them.

*cough* Skarsgardstills Challenge 20 *cough* ;)


lillepus May 24 2009, 23:03:15 UTC
I just entered for #20. ;) TB-rumble sounds like fun - and you get points for advertising, so there.

Richard_stills? - I even know the girl running it but nope. Not my cuppa. I haven't done anything regency-related for ages... seems kinda lacking in the fang-department. :-K

btw: I'll meet you downstairs in the bar TOMORROW!!! :D


rascalthemutant May 25 2009, 00:41:57 UTC
You know spikesbint/angelfish_icons? Sweet. I've chatted with her a bit on the AA and AD. Her graphics are amazing. Honestly, ASkars has kinda taken over lately. It's very sad. RA needs some love too.

Woohoo! I'll tell the barkeep to mix up something special.


lillepus May 25 2009, 09:34:47 UTC
Yeah - I do. She's lovely and very talented.

Can't remember fiddling with RA. Høhø. :) Have lots of stuff but no RA. Maybe I should change that... from what I hear, there's lots of fun to be had from fiddling with him. ;)


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