A Week in the Life of liljan98 - Volume I

May 31, 2008 01:11

I found that meme at
book232   and of course I had to do it...

Aim of the game:

For one week, you are to post photographs taken during the day.


1. You must take between 6 and 8 new photographs per day.
2. Your WITL must be consecutive. No skipping days.
3. You must post your photographs at the end of that day, some time after the last picture is taken.
4. Each photograph must have the time taken beneath and a title, with no other explanation.

You must post these rules at your first entry, then link back to it for the other six days so that people will know wtf you're doing.

Your post must say "A Week in the Life of [your name/username], Volume [whatever day you're on]."

So, without further ado...

Volume I - Friday, 30th May 2008

08:05 am - "Good Morning"

10:29 am - "Desk mess"

12:15 am - "Downhill to my mom's place"

08:03 pm - "Uphill to my mom's place"

08:15 pm - "Shared family car"

08:57 pm - "Getting Lost"

00:30 am - "Finally Home"


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