Title: James Potter: Hufflepuff Author: Liliths_Requiem Rating: PG Characters:James Potter, Sirius Black Pairings: genfic Era: First War Word Count:631 Prompt: Nest_of_Spiders Day Three ( James and Sirius argue over who the Traitor could be )
He lost faith in everything else so long ago, why keep faith in his friends?
That is so poignant. Like perhaps if they'd have held onto their faith in each other for a little longer, Peter may never have managed to do what he did and go on to turn the entire world upside down.
Comments 12
That is so poignant. Like perhaps if they'd have held onto their faith in each other for a little longer, Peter may never have managed to do what he did and go on to turn the entire world upside down.
Great fic!
I always thought that, had they held on a little longer, it would've been okay.
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