"Sweetaholic" (H/D fluff, 100 words)

Mar 26, 2008 00:12

Draco eyed Florean Fortescue’s glass display with the desperate longing of a denied sweetaholic.

"The Dental-Wizard said no hot or cold food for three days," Harry reminded his boyfriend.

Draco huffed in annoyance. His attempt at a Malfoy glare only made him look silly with his swollen pink cheeks. Shortly after his twenty-eighth birthday, Draco’s wisdom teeth had suddenly grown in. All four of them.

Harry realized that he was not quite successful in masking his amusement when Draco’s left eye started twitching.

Hastening to avoid a full-blown Malfoy tantrum, he quickly pointed at a jewelry store. "Look, pretty rings!"

Answered writing_game prompt: Twitch
X-posted @ IJ

◆writing_game, drabbles, .♥draco

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