Feb 21, 2008 16:20
:10: Canonically beautiful Slytherin #1: Blaise Zabini.
:9: Canonically beautiful Slytherin #2: Tom Riddle--who, as Harry noted over and over, is Tall, Dark and Hawt Handsome.
:8: The interaction between Draco, Blaise and Pansy on the train. Pansy petting Draco's hair, Blaise dissing Ginny but not denying that she's attractive.
:7: Snape being all-powerful, a secret unappreciated genius and generally awesome. (MOAR DADAProf!Snape plz?) Harry unwittingly learning from Snape, even though he resisted being taught by him for five whole years.
:6: Draco breaking Harry's nose = FTW \o/
Draco trying to Crucio Harry instead of going "OMG Saint Potter save me, for I have seen the error of my ways ;_;"
Draco being able to Occlude against _Snape_.
:5: Dumbledore's death. No other death in the HP books filled my heart with such warm, fluffy feelings.
P.S. I still dislike Dumbledore for not doing something useful with his death. Oh, like EXTRA blood magic protection for Harry or Snape, maybe? Oh right, he was only fattening Harry up for the slaughter =P
:4: Narcissa's face-off with Harry = gold!
Narcissa being worried over Draco's fate = d'awww <333
:3: Draco being cocky at first, but he later grew up and tried frantically to protect his family *_*
:2: Snape's Unbreakable Vow to protect Draco. Snape coming to Draco's rescue after Sectusempra. Snape running off with Draco in the end <333
:1: Harry stalking Draco. Harry thinking Draco is more important than Slughorn's memory, and more interesting than Quidditch.
What's your favorite HP book and why? ;-)