Title: No Hell below us Artist: liliaeth Pairing: None/Gen Rating: R Word Count: ~21,000 Disclaimer: Please don't sue me. Warnings: Spoilers for season 7, institutionalized slavery, references to off-screen torture and non-con, major character death Notes: I had the great pleasure of working with sylvia_locust, who's fic " No Hell below us" is awesome, it's a definite must read for anyone who loves a well crafted AU.
Summary: Dick Roman, president and CEO of Leviathan, Inc., is the most powerful and feared man in the country. His vision of a Corporate-ruled society that runs on the backs of "charges," indentured debtors and petty criminals, is becoming fully realized. Sam and Dean have spent their lives throwing wrenches into the Corporate system when they can, and helping men and women escape corrupt officials to lead free lives across the border. When they finally see an opportunity to bring Roman down for good, they gamble with their own lives to bring an end to Dick's reign.
Or, a non-supernatural retelling of season 7.
And here's the link to the masterpost, though it's still private at the moment.