Doctor Who voice meme

Jun 16, 2014 22:28

So I finally recorded the Doctor Who voice meme that eve11 made! I hope you can understand everything.

As for the links, first here is the wikipedia article and the official website for Les Machines de l'île in Nantes, I talk about it during the question about where I live. Second, the piece of art, so you have FANTASTIC COLORS!, BRILLIANT COLORS! and ( Read more... )

voice meme, doctor who, meme

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Comments 7

luorescence June 16 2014, 20:53:43 UTC

I'm so happy for the Eleven/Jack bit! XD


eve11 June 16 2014, 21:52:48 UTC
Thanks so much for doing the meme :D

Wow those mechanical animals are really amazing! And also the artwork is fantastic too, thanks for pointing me to those links.

LOL no offense taken on the pronunciation part. You did well with it!

I too was disappointed with the direction the Weeping Angels took. They kind of became "whatever the plot needed" as opposed to what they should have been, I think.

Ha, I don't know that exploring the TARDIS counts as "indoors" though. But I too am a homebody, so I understand just wanting to stay indoors, and especially out of danger.


lilia_purpurea June 16 2014, 22:10:08 UTC
Haha, thank you, it was very nice to do ^^

For the Angels, I think it was hard not to make them too powerful, so they added incoherent things. Like, really, they're quantum-locked, not shy. In Flesh and Stone, they shouldn't CARE that Amy is pretending to be able to see, if she doesn't see them, they can move freely and she doesn't stand a chance... (which, of course, is a problem for the plot, haha). Well, anyway...

Yeah, right, some places in the TARDIS can't really be considered "indoors", but I was thinking about the swimming pool, the library, etc... I want to see more rooms.

Thanks for your comment \o/


davesmusictank June 16 2014, 22:04:19 UTC
I enjoyed this and your accent is fine.


flowsoffire June 22 2014, 20:40:25 UTC
OMFG, another French person! Hi! I had no idea there were enough of us in English-speaking communities here to randomly stumble upon. We should
start a club… Ahum. Sorry. Got here through Luo's link :)

I’d never heard of Les Machines de l’île, it looks amazing!

I love Nine too, though Eleven is my crush!Doctor ;) Capaldi will be amazing, though. Donna is the BEST ♥

Blink is definitely the best Weeping Angels episode. After that the writing got a bit all over the place, unfortunately… So many rules added all over the place, broken as they went and hardly seeming to make sense…? It kind of seemed like they lost their chilling power as we carried on, like "Oh, here come the Angels again…". Too bad.

The fanarts look great, thanks for sharing them! :D

The TARDIS is the best place to explore, great idea! ;)

I think that's all I wanted to ramble about. XD Thanks for doing the meme, it's lovely to get to know people that way! (And I hope you don't feel creeped out with comments from complete strangers, lol ;))


lilia_purpurea June 22 2014, 23:45:45 UTC
Yeah that's always pretty cool to meet other French people on English-speaking websites, haha =) I'll listen to your meme some day, but where are you from ( ... )


flowsoffire June 23 2014, 06:14:47 UTC
I'll take time to answer this comment properly ASAP (so behind on comments and the like ;P) but I just wanted to say yes, absolutely, that sounds great! to the friending-I'm friending you right now so I guess you would have assumed so anyway ( ... )


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