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Comments 8

flourflower August 29 2014, 17:48:08 UTC
I approve of this set because it's awesome and I got to see it before everyone else! 8]
(And I might steal the very first one because that face is perfect.)


lilia_purpurea August 29 2014, 17:51:33 UTC
Thanks =D
Do steal, I'd be honored. I'll probably make an in character set at some point so you'll get actual Frank icons =D


flourflower August 29 2014, 17:53:37 UTC
If you do, you GOTTA make one with the image of Frank in front of the car on fire. I don't know how it'd look good in an icon but it has to be at least tried. For science.


lilia_purpurea August 29 2014, 17:57:14 UTC
yeah I want to, but I'm afraid it won't look good on 100x100px if I don't crop it and if I do either the car or the booze will be cropped out...


flowsoffire August 29 2014, 18:08:24 UTC
Oh, they all look really nice! I can't even tell favourites ;) The themes, I think, first line especially. Great job!


lilia_purpurea August 29 2014, 18:23:03 UTC
thank you so much =D


babyara September 16 2014, 19:56:10 UTC
Very nice icons.
I liked most orange, cheek text, new addition, casual, poster, cat 1 and ac 1/5.
Good job :)


lilia_purpurea September 19 2014, 15:59:25 UTC
Oh thank you so much =)


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