Today was a good day

Jun 23, 2014 02:23

It didn't go the way I expected though...
I had planned (or, more like, wished, since I know how this kind of plan usually goes) to get to write or at least f**king OPEN the Word document of one of my fics. I didn't have THAT much hope but still. I thought I would at least beta the part luorescence sent me of her fic. I like doing beta, I like people liking ( Read more... )

movies, life, games

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Comments 5

flowsoffire June 23 2014, 06:20:30 UTC
Sorry to hear you couldn't do what you had planned, writing and beta-wise *hugs*-but the programs/games/podcasts stuff sounds good! Icons are greatness ♥


lilia_purpurea June 23 2014, 10:16:18 UTC
(omg your icon! it makes me hungry xD)

Honestly now I know writing is a struggle to get to for me, and having no deadline probably doesn't help. For the beta I'll try to start working on the first part today, otherwise I'll drown in it when she sends me the whole thing. But well, job seeking goes first.

Haha, if you like icons (and yeah I saw you made a lot of them when I went through your LJ), you might want to sign up for our first round on gaming20in20 =) (except if you're not really into games? it includes board games and card games and so on, not only VG!)


flowsoffire June 23 2014, 19:21:28 UTC
Haha, yes, it's pretty and cruel! Food icons are an odd thing, but this and a couple others I have from the same maker are very nice ^_^

Yeah, at least a deadline forces you, even if it can be so stressful. Good luck with the job seeking! I feel for you! ♥

I checked the comm actually, but indeed I'm not into games-too bad! I hope you girls find a lot of people to participate in the comm :)


flourflower June 23 2014, 10:19:16 UTC
Yay for being weak with Steam sales! Most games tend to get super cheap during those times (like 5$ or less), so I really recommend checking it out!
Lemme know what you'll think of Limbo, it's a pretty short game and I think you'll like it!

Good luck with fic-writing, don't forget that tomorrow is a new day! (well, that would be today)


luorescence June 23 2014, 12:22:24 UTC
Don't worry with the beta. I could always ask for a small delay o/

Also, good gaming with your batch of new games (and I wanna hear you talk about limbo, the game looks so beautiful o A o)


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