This a Flashfic based on a prompt from
30 Days of Flash Fiction Meme My 30 Days of Flashfic Index Page Day 7 - Write something dirty (take that how you will)
Like the others doing this 30 Days project, I'm taking dirty in the sense of muck, mud, and the like rather than sexual in nature.
If I ever have to flee through a sewer again, I'm surrendering. Yeah, I don't believe that either. But believe me, it sucks. Almost as much as letting your attention wander. The red dot of a laser gun site gave me just enough warning to jump to the side as a capture net smacked the wall.
"Do you mind!" Foul water poured away as I sat up, leaving me angry enough to risk charging up a few dazzlers. Sparks dancing around my fingers before I sent the ball lightning down the tunnel to burst around the SHIELD agents. "It's hard enough staying out of the water without being shot at!"
"That's the idea Sparkler. Surrender and we'll stop shooting."
Should have known SHIELD agents wouldn't be bothered long by the flash of my dazzlers. I'd barely propped myself up against a control box when the red dots were back.
"Aw, come on guys, the ladder's right there. Can't we take this upstairs?"
"Offering to surrender?"
"Can I think about it?" Yeah. Not gonna happen guys. "I've got a filled out Registration Act form, can't I just hand it over and be on my way? I'll stop jamming your radios."
"Kid, I'd be insulting you if I pretended I thought you really believed that would work."
"It was worth a try?" Leaning on the panel I slipped two fingers slowly into a pocket and pulled out a fat memory stick. "Really, got it right on here."
After a slight nod from the agent who was talking I tossed the stick over. "Hey, Donaldson what you name patch says? You seem decent enough, for someone who shot at me."
"Just doing my job, Miss." Aw, he actually does sound apologetic. I almost hated what I was going to do.
"Can you send a message along for me? Yeah, yeah I know your next line, I can tell it myself when you take me in, just humor me, okay?"
"Alright, what's your message?"
"Two things. First, all I've wanted to do all along is go home. I never wanted any of this. Just stop shooting! Stop it! Pick somewhere public, no guns, and let me walk in without a fight! Picking a cute guy for the pickup wouldn't hurt either. Or maybe Jennifer Walters."
"You said you had two things to say. What's the second?"
A low rumble suggested my timing wasn't too far off. "Just that I told this control box to have all the flood gates open a minute ago. They're closed again, but I'd really, really recommend you find something to hold onto and take a deep breath." I leapt for the ladder as the agents cursed and prepared for the onrushing waters.