Well here I sit, after 3am Tuesday here in England...having gone to bed, finally, after 10pm (or so) on Monday night. I hadn't been to bed before that since awaking at 6am Sunday morning.
Needless to say I am exhausted, and half awake. But my phone text me a Twitter update, and I figured I would try to hold my eyes open again just long enough to post these uploaded photos. The last of them were still uploading when I finally went to bed 40 hrs from the last time my poor sleep-deprived head had last hit the pillow.
So here they are, my friends, the photos from Sunday (the last day) of AT4. *sniffle* It's difficult to know that it's over, but I've already lined up and paid for Comic Con 2010 followed by GABIT's Sanctuary Experience 2010 the next weekend, so I am less upset leaving London behind as I was after AT3. Plus, with AT5 on the not too distant (not sure of the date yet) horizon I know that I'll be back here in London, my favorite city, second only to Vancouver. I've already put in for pre-registration. That's the first time the G4 have offered it. I'll also see Amanda on Twitter, and therefore I do not feel the same feelings of withdrawal that I did 18 months ago.
Without further ado...ladies and gentleman, the one, the only, the incredibly humble and unassuming yet amazing and truly unique, loved, with all my heart, my guardian angel, Amanda Tapping:
AT4 Question and Answer Session 3
AT4 Question and Answer Session 3 Zip File AT4 Question and Answer Session 4
AT4 Question and Answer Session 4 Zip File AT4 Closing Ceremony
The total raised during AT4 for charity, including Sanctuary For Kids and Hearing Dogs for Deaf
People. Keep in mind that's over $40,000 American, and that there were only 270 fans in atten-
dance. We raised enough for Hearing Dogs to sponsor the 9th GABIT dog, and Paul from Legends
Memorabilia made up the difference for the 10th.
AT4 Closing Ceremony Zip File My photo op Saturday with Amanda. We were both teary after a couple of hugs and Amanda
wanting to make sure I was ok after everything she says she knows that I've been through lately,
including my work issues.
Amanda said during her last Q&A Sunday that she is into eye contact and making sure someone's telling her the absolute truth, especially when she's trying to make sure an actor or actress is comfortable with a scene they have to shoot. She won't continue unless she's convinced they're ok. I started crying when she said this as that was exactly how she was before we took our picture. Eye to eye, reading me, holding onto me. She's not used to me not being happy and smiley when I see her, and I know she went out of her way to get me back there, back to where she knew I needed to be before we took the photo. I could also tell she expected that I wouldn't be in a good place when I saw her. She's a healer, and it's not an air, it's a natural ability. She knew what was needed ahead of time and was ready for me. It's what makes her so amazing and what endears me to her again and again.
She addressed me by name, both at the photo op and the autograph session the following day, at which time, yes, I was smiling and cheerful and my normal bouncy self. I wasn't having anything signed to me, but rather to a friend who's had an equally rough time as of late, so the use of my name was strictly her way of sharing and reinforcing the connection she's made. My happy disposition on Sunday was thanks to the 8th Wonder of the World and her inner spirit that defies explanation.
At the end of the autographs she went somber and told me I was awesome. In my witty and obviously expansive data base of vocabulary I turned back and said that no, she was awesome. Right...because I could think of nothing else to say in reply to such an amazing yet simple compliment. But with Amanda you don't really need to make appearances, and you don't need to prove yourself in any way. She will find what's inside of you and she will see that through everything else. And if she can't see it on the surface she will make that eye to eye connection with you and draw it back out, so that the rest of the world can see what she sees.
And now I am in tears. Trying to explain in words the depth with which I (and so many others) respect and admire and adore this woman always makes me emotional.
And there you have it. All my photos are now uploaded. All are open for taking and using wherever and however you'd like, including for graphics. Please remember to credit me or link folks here if you re-post my photos elsewhere.
I hope you enjoyed looking through them even half as much as I enjoyed taking them. I watched most of the con through my camera lens, but loved every minute of it. And I love to share some of that with others who weren't fortunate enough to go, and also with those who simply want to see photos in addition to the ones they took.
Going back to bed now. I leave you with this thought: Amanda Tapping is easily the most sincere, loving, devoted individual I've ever had the pleasure of encountering, and each and every time I see her there is something else that strikes me and makes me remember how lucky I am to know her, and how lucky I am that she cares enough to know me, and show it, in the simplest and yet most necessary ways possible. She is everything. Thank you, Amanda, with all that I am and all that I have. See you soon.
AT4 - Reflections - Part 1