SJ Fic: Life As It Happens Chapter 3/? - Taking Refuge

Jun 01, 2011 12:11

Title: Life As It Happens Chapter 3/? - Taking Refuge
Author: lilahkat
Characters: Sarah Jane Smith, Duplicate 10 (Oliver), Luke Smith, Clyde Langer, Rani Chandra, K-9, Mr. Smith
Rating: M
Pairing(s): Sarah Jane / Duplicate 10
Word count: 2420
Disclaimer: The BBC owns the Universe.
Summary: Alien refugees needing Sarah Jane's help, delays Luke's return to Oxford.

Author's Note:

I don't know how many of you were waiting for it, but here we go again. The return of Sarah Jane and Handy... Oliver he's reminding me. Carrying on with their life and how they manage it with everything that happens on Bannerman Road.

Thank you to Sue for the beta read and for the idea of using Moreton Harwood for a refugee camp.

"I should have insisted that Luke go back on to Oxford," Sarah muttered to her young friend as they stood like sentries watching the aliens being assisted by the men as they carried the young to the two moving vans that she'd organized for transport.

Rani chuckled, "Like you could have kept him away when Mr. Smith detected that distress signal during breakfast. Alien refugees being hunted by bad guys, and his mum and dad going to help out - face it, Sarah Jane, he couldn't be your son and stay out of that."

For a moment, Sarah looked at Rani in shock that she knew that Luke called Oliver dad then she shook her head. "You'd known for weeks hadn't you?"

"Days," Rani shrugged. "They're intelligent but…"

"That's exactly what I told Luke." Sarah smiled at the girl, but the sight of Oliver carrying one of the little catlike creatures, it's head mashed under his chin and it's eyes closed with a blissful expression on it's face caught and held her attention.

The soft expression that took up residence on Sarah's face had Rani smiling. "That's sort of different, isn't it?"

"Hmmm?" Sarah looked at Rani then back at the boys. She decided to avoid discussing Oliver's decidedly attractive paternal side and focused on the reality of the aliens. "Oh, yes - apparently the females become pregnant, but they can't be trusted with them afterwards - they're known to kill their own young."

"That's horrible," Rani looked aghast at that revelation.

Sarah nodded. She'd never seen herself as terribly maternal but the idea of that reality made her ill to her stomach. "It is, but that's why they don't trust us. Only the boys."

A laugh escaped her protégé as Clyde appeared with three older cubs clinging to him - one on his back, and one on each of his legs. "Somehow I don't think that was what Clyde expected when you said we'd be hiding refugees."

"Well, given how often Clyde gets his expectations met about our adventures, I'm not seeing that as a negative thing." Sarah Jane chuckled as well as the boy struggled along to the trucks, then she smiled as Luke appeared with a cub in his arms.

Luke looked up, as though he sensed he was being watched, and waved with his free hand at his mum and Rani only to have the cub jam its head beneath his chin. Rani couldn't help the smile that escaped her as Oliver passed Luke on his way back and clapped him on the shoulder before tickling the cub playfully and moving on back to the downed ship to bring more of the refugees off. Rani smiled at Sarah Jane, "Two peas in a pod."

"It's almost frightening how alike they are," Sarah agreed, but shifted her weight on her feet, obviously uncomfortable with the fact that she wasn't able to help with the moving of the refugees to the vehicles.

Rani ducked her head to hide her grin. It wasn't just Oliver and Luke that were alike as far as she was concerned.

As much as he'd been observed, Oliver had been observing as well. "Ts'mert?" He approached one of the males with a tiny cub clinging to him.

"Yes, Oliver." The alien's accent drew out the first, fourth and last letter of the man's name.

"I know your females are violent, but ours are not." Oliver started his negotiation. "My mate is normally in the thick of things." He paused. "And even though she doesn't like to admit it, she's very maternal."

The alien cocked his head, something lost in the translation. "Maternal?"

"She likes little ones," He gestured at the tiny cub. "I couldn't convince you to let her hold him could I?"

The alien male was obviously conflicted. They were grateful for the help, but instinct said not to trust a female with a cub. "Sarah Jane Smith is your mate."

Oliver puffed up at that. "She is."

"She is a great warrior." While it was a compliment, it obviously made Ts'mert nervous.

Oliver recognized that while the aliens were grateful their females were great warriors as well, that they feared them as much as they valued them. "She's so much more than that." He said. "She protects this entire world. She guides and teaches children - children that are not her own. She values all life. She is one of the Doctor's chosen heirs on Earth."

It had quickly become obvious at their reaction to him, that the aliens were well aware of the Doctor, though mostly as a legend. It was also strange for him in that they didn't seem to associate him with the Doctor at all. The alien seemed to be thinking about it then it nodded slowly, "I will allow it."

A beaming smile crossed Oliver's face, "Brilliant." He set his hand on his new friend's shoulder. "Thank you so much."

"It is my people that owe you," Ts'mert said softly, he was small - even shorter than Sarah Jane so he had to look up to meet Oliver's gaze.

"No," Oliver shook his head. "You're our friend. I appreciate you doing this for me."

The alien inclined his head, acknowledging Oliver's words then passed the human man the tiny cub. Settling the tiny baby in the crook of his arm, he made his way towards Sarah with the nervous father following behind him.

"Oooh," Rani grinned as she saw Oliver moving towards them with a cub in his arms. "Looks like you're special." She stepped back, not wanting Oliver to have to push his luck with the alien.

"Thought you might like to meet Ts'mert and his son Is'mal, Sarah." Oliver said as he moved to her with the cub.

"It's very nice to meet you, Ts'mert." Sarah said with a broad smile. "Oh, he's lovely." She kept her hands folded in front of her, not wanting to upset the alien father but leaned in admire the baby.

Oliver grinned, "Go on if you like, Ts'mert said it was okay if you wanted."

Normally, Sarah Jane wasn't that fond of babies. She loved her children, but babies made her doubt her ability to care for them. She had a tendency to become too focused on the task at hand and sometimes didn't remember to feed even herself. Thankfully Luke and Oliver (and Rani and Clyde) could feed themselves (and her as well if it came to it).

The little green eyes peering up at her from a mask of black fur however, quickly had her scooping the alien child up from Oliver's arm. "Hello Is'mal," Sarah said with a bright smile as she stroked him gently with one hand while cradling him in the opposite arm. "Aren't you beautiful?"

"Boys prefer handsome," Oliver corrected and winked at Ts'mert, who stood in shocked silence at the obvious gentleness of the female that was considered one of Earth's greatest protectors.

"Don't be pedantic, Oliver." Sarah chided, then leaned down to nuzzle the little one. "He's a silly man. Isn't he Is'mal?" Her open affection was met with contented chirps from the cub.

"Oy!" Oliver scowled, and tried to scoop the baby away. "Just for that…"

"Oh no," Sarah sent a playful glance back over her shoulder as she turned her back to keep Oliver away from the cub. "I haven't had enough time with him yet."

Ts'mert shook his head in wonder. "Oliver is very lucky to have a mate like you. My own went with the other warriors to try to hold back the ths'Tain. Your cubs?" He nodded to Rani then looked out to where Clyde and Luke led a group of older cubs chasing across to the transport. "Their coat colours are very pretty."

Sarah smiled slightly, realising that in a race of cat-like creatures they probably wouldn't see that Rani and Clyde were not likely to be hers. "They're my cub, Luke's friends. Though, they're like mine sometimes." She smiled at Rani, who smiled back.

Again Ts'mert shook his head, awed at the fact that a female would care not only for her own cub, but other's cubs as well. "We have legends of females like you." He bowed slightly. "Blessings, Sarah Jane Smith."

"Thank you," Sarah smiled slightly then carefully settled the cub back into Ts'mert's arms. "Blessings for you and your cub," she added hoping that it would be well received. The alien once again bowed and made his way towards the transport as Clyde jogged up.

"Well, while you lot were resting on your laurels, me and Lukey boy got the rest of them loaded up." Clyde said to Sarah. "I call shot gun with you, Sarah Jane. I've ridden with Lukey boy before."

"I don't know if I should take that as a compliment or be worried about what fines I'm going to have to pay." She winced at the thought.

"Rani and I will go and rein Junior in, love." Oliver said catching Sarah's eyes in a gaze that said everything.

"Thank you," Sarah held his gaze just as intently.

Clyde cleared his throat. "You know it's cute and thank you for not kissing in front of me, but aliens waiting to be taken to sanctuary and all."

"Right then," Sarah rolled her eyes. "Let's move out as they say in the movies." She nodded to Clyde and they headed to the truck that was currently driverless.

Rani shook her head. "Luke isn't that bad. Clyde just likes to give him a hard time."

Oliver nodded as they jogged to the truck. He had his own suspicions as to why the other boy gave Luke a hard time about driving and resolved to see to it himself.

As they set out, it didn't take long for it to become apparent that they weren't staying local. "So, Sarah Jane," Clyde peered out the passenger side window as they headed further and further out of London, "I know they look like cats, but I don't think we need a barn to hide them in."

Rolling her eyes, Sarah Jane snorted. "As small as they are, hiding better than seventy alien bipedal felines in the city seemed like asking for trouble, Clyde, so I got in touch with an old friend."

"Moreton Harwood?" Clyde looked at Sarah as she made the turn onto a smaller road and he read the sign before Sarah made another turn and continued to travel away from the village.

"When I asked my aunt's friend Juno Baker to help me sell the house here, I had no idea that she decided to buy it." Sarah smiled fondly. "I suppose she knew I was in trouble and needed the funds."

"Huh, but if this is an old friend," Clyde looked at his friend doubtfully.

"Well, I happen to know Juno and her husband are out of the country and far enough away that she isn't likely to make a special trip back." Sarah Jane grinned as they pulled up in front of the old house. "Our new friends will only be here long enough for me and Mr. Smith to use our contacts to find them a safe way off the planet." She came to a stop and set the brake, "I'll make it up to her by coming to visit when she's back."

"Why is it when we make something sound that easy, you say easier said than done, but when you say it," Clyde trailed off, grinning as he slid out of the truck heading to help the aliens get settled in the manor house.

"Oh, the cheek," Sarah called after him as she climbed out the driver's side chuckling to herself and moved to open up her Aunt Lavinia's old home. "Not sure you would approve of this, Livvy," she said softly then pushed open the door, "but they need somewhere to be until I can find them a safe way to get away from here. I know you'd understand at least."

Oliver slipped up behind her and leaned his chin on her shoulder. "Your Aunt Lavinia would be proud of you, Sarah." He grinned then started waving his new friends in. "In you come, good thing we're so far out, not many people are going to see us to be curious."

The logistics of setting up a refugee camp even in an otherwise empty house; even one as large as the manor house at Moreton Harwood; were by no means simple. Children, then supplies and educating the adults on where everything was and how to use it, as well as providing them with a disposable cell phone to keep in contact with, it wasn't a simple task after a long drive. It was well after dark when they drove back to the rental lot to leave the moving vans, picking up the Figaro and then driving back to Ealing.

"Now Clyde," Sarah called out after the boys as they went inside. "I promised your mum that I'd make certain you'd get to school tomorrow, so this isn't time for video games on Mr. Smith. Once you've eaten, both you and Luke are going to bed, because you're both going to school."

"Mum," Luke protested, but could see from the look on his mum's face that he'd be heading back to Oxford in the morning, "Fine."

"Okay mum," Clyde said teasingly towards Sarah Jane. "Food, then we'll go to bed." He nudged Luke. "Can't keep the old folks up, they didn't get their nap this afternoon."

"Keep it up, Clyde and there will be no afters." Sarah warned.

Oliver walked in only to catch the last of her statement. "No afters?" His expression was one of panic.

"I meant for Clyde," Sarah rolled her eyes at him. "Though you know one of these days your body is going to realise its human and that hummingbird metabolism of yours will go away. Then what will we do about your sweet tooth?"

"No idea," Oliver followed her into the kitchen, "but you'll love me anyways."

Sarah sighed and shook her head, not wanting to acknowledge that he was right. "I think I might have a frozen pizza in here somewhere."

As she dug through the freezer, Oliver pulled out a pan and set the temperature on the oven. "So what's for," his words were abruptly cut off by Clyde's yell.

"Sarah Jane! Oliver! Something's wrong with Luke." Clyde's voice echoed through the house as both the adults dropped what they were doing, bolting through the house and up the stairs.

fiction, luke smith, sarah jane smith, sarah jane adventures, taking in strays, doctor who, sarah jane, sarah jane/duplicate ten, sja

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