Harry Potter drabbles

Apr 17, 2005 23:00

One drabble for hpgen100
The challenge is "The Black Family".

Narcissa sat pensively at her writing desk, swan-feather quill in hand. It was strange to think of Bellatrix experiencing the same cloudy grey day as her sister, rather than scrabbling around some horrid hole inside Azkaban.
“Mistress, kind Mistress, oh, he said get out, the dirty mudbloods…”
“Kreacher!” Narcissa barely recognised the filthy relic crouching at her feet. She hadn’t seen it since Lucius kicked it off a balcony at Draco’s christening. “How dare you!”
Kreacher beat its crusty head in penance, but peered up at her, its eyes glistening with cunning.
“Will Mistress clean the dirt from the house?”

These two are for the Cat's Birthday challenge, hosted by mctabby, and my assignment was "Petunia discovers what Dudley saw when he was confronted by the Dementors" for jackoweskla

Dudley was still safely tucked up in his bed, propped on sixteen pillows.
“Here, my darling, this will warm you up.”
She carefully held the mug of cocoa to Dudley’s lips, and he slurped some down. Colour begin to return to his usually ruddy cheeks.
Dudley suddenly burrowed into her bony embrace.
“Mum, I hate him! Everyone’s on his side.”
“I know, popkin.”
“No, Mum, you don’t get it. Those things made me think that -” Dudley shuddered, “They made me think he was right.”


“We’ll be going with Harry to the train in the morning, darling, so make sure you’re in bed early.”
“Okay, Aunt Lily,” Dudley muttered, staring at the little TV they’d finally bought him.
“Night, Mum! Night, Dad!” Harry bellowed, raced up the stairs and jumped into bed.

Dudley couldn’t wait to go back to school himself next week. It wasn’t that his aunt and uncle were cruel to him, but in a house where everyone could do magic except him, it was hard to feel important.
He knew that his parents had lived, they would have thought he was special.

hp, 2005, fic, drabble

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