"Snow Bunnies" (ficlet, smut) Dean/Sam

Dec 14, 2005 22:34

Title: Snow Bunnies
Author: tallisen (posted under lil_wincest)
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: Dean/Sam
Summary: The boys get all hot and sexy in the snow.
A/N: I was bothered by a certain someone *cough*_empty_inside*cough* to write something inspired by the latest WB commerical. So here! :)

There was snow falling - thick heavy flakes that came in flurries... )

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Comments 24

quietdiscerning December 15 2005, 06:48:18 UTC
EEE! It's so cute!!!!

Hot and yummy too.

I love the idea of Sammy making Snow Dean and Snow Sam. And then Dean giving his a smirk.

Muahahahhahaaa snow fics are fun.

...does this mean I have to do the snowball fight?


lil_wincest December 15 2005, 06:50:39 UTC
Yessssss!!!! :D *iz waiting*


vengeanceangel December 15 2005, 07:46:16 UTC
Very cool! No pun intended. :-)


lil_wincest December 15 2005, 08:38:09 UTC
Hehe, thanks! I'm glad you like it!


(The comment has been removed)

lil_wincest December 15 2005, 10:03:51 UTC
Tis the season for snow love'n. I hope to see a bunch more posted too! I love reading them! Dean and Sam are so fun!


_decoy December 15 2005, 12:25:34 UTC
If the commercial is anything like this then yeah...*faints* That was so hot!


lil_wincest December 16 2005, 00:00:40 UTC
Thank you! *fans* I wish the commercial had gone that far ;D


sylph_ironlight December 15 2005, 15:09:25 UTC
Tankyouthankyouthankyou! As soon as I heard about that commercial (I haven't seen it) all I could picture was Dean shoving snow down Sam's pants :D
Vey cute and very hot!


lil_wincest December 16 2005, 00:01:25 UTC
Thanks! I'm really glad I could please! I loved the image the commercial conjured in my head too. Naughty Dean and snow are so much fun! ;D


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