Avengers Movies: the Monsters and the Tumblr critics

May 31, 2015 14:51

Recently, I went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron for a second time. It was less than twenty-four hours before that I had seen The Avengers (or Avengers Assemble if you must) on television, there being very little else to watch that evening, and Ina being busy knitting ( Read more... )

avengers, films, movies, meta

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Comments 1

themis1 May 31 2015, 16:27:56 UTC
Yes, that all makes sense to me. I need to watch both movies again - we're running around like maniacs still, trying to get the house finished (7am builders are exhausting!) and make space for Penny's stuff - she has now sold the Brigg house, all being well, which gives us a deadline! - and help her sort out her stuff, and run around after Avril (who has been diagnosed with the Embuggerance) and ... well, we barely get time to watch anything at all!!


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