Life is full of little disappointments... (but no spoilers.)

Sep 19, 2013 17:21

I've been sorta keeping up with Marvel's not-a-reboot (Marvel!Now) mainly through collected editions and mainly Avengers related (though I have been following Bendis's 'All New X-Men' - a title which is a joke in itself as the mag features the original teenage team (Cyclops, Iceman, Angel, Marvel Girl, Beast) brought to their future and our present ( Read more... )

avengers, marvel, reviews, comic books, x-men

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Comments 2

la_marquise_de_ September 19 2013, 20:09:37 UTC
Oh, what a shame. I was looking forward to that, too.


lil_shepherd September 20 2013, 04:38:32 UTC
It's typically Ellis to have a political message in view and to force the plot and characterisation into that message. (It's not a bad message, but I don't read superhero comic books for the political message. If it flows out of the story and the characters -- great. But this book ignores not just the present situation with these people (and in just about everyone's case - particularly Tony's, Steve's, Carol's and the Widow's - this is difficult enough - it ignores the continuing relationships between them. Carol's closeness to Tony and Steve, Thor's unshakable love for his 'brothers' and Tony's long-term hero worship of Steve, in favour of everyone being extremely touchy and snarky with each other.)


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