Fanart: Secret Kisses.

Apr 07, 2011 23:05

Title: Secret Kisses.
Artist: lil_lollypop36  
Rating: PG
A/N: I will never stop loving schoolboy AU's. Also here, at my deviantart.

ETA: lynnyliz was lovely enough to write an adorable fic for the first idea. You should check it out! :]

So I have this whole cliché backstory that goes with this:

Merlin is a bookworm, and he's at the library as usual. He's trying to reach this book, but he's a bit too short to reach it. Popular jock Arthur, that Merlin hates (but is secretly infatuated with), comes in and teases him about being too short. Merlin gets frustrated and tells Arthur to leave him alone, then goes back to going on his tippy toes/jumping to try to get the book down. Arthur reaches over and grabs the book ('cause he's a couple years older that Merlin, and therefore is little taller than Merlin), which makes Merlin turn around, finding Arthur closer than he had expected. Arthur doesn't move away, and looks inside the book, keeping it out of Merlin's reach all the while. Arthur then teases Merlin about being a little to old to be reading fairytales, and Merlin's excuse is that it's for a class. Merlin manages to pull Arthur's arm down, and Arthur catches him by surprise by kissing him, while the book is conveniently covering their faces.


They're already boyfriends, and Arthur is walking around the library and flipping through random books while he waits for Merlin to find some books. Arthur gets bored quickly and seeks Merlin out for some kissy timez. He backs Merlin into the shelf and is about to ravage him, when Merlin refuses, 'cause they're in a public place and people will see. So, Arthur grabs a book off the shelf behind Merlin, and covers their faces. "Better?" he says with a smirk, and Merlin lets out an exasperated but amused sigh, and lets Arthur kiss him.

Only written in idea form, 'cause I don't feel like writing full fics. But anyone who wants to, is free to!

fanart, merlinxarthur, fluff

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