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[ action ] mistyarc September 15 2011, 18:09:05 UTC
[Rise seems to be busy whenever Hubert catches her, rare as the occurrence is. Even that voiced entry in the morning . . .

Let's focus on the boxes and stuff she's carting around for now. He approaches.]

Do you require assistance?


[ action ] liketofu September 15 2011, 18:20:06 UTC
[Voices, voices...oh! She'll turn to look at him with a bright smile- or rather, the same one that everyone sees every day.]

Well, I wouldn't say no to any extra help. Good morning!


[ action ] mistyarc September 15 2011, 18:24:10 UTC
Good morning.

[With far less enthusiasm as her, though compared to that almost bubbly persona, it should appear normal.]

Then, if you'll allow me . . .

[She can dump whatever she has on him.]


[ action ] liketofu September 16 2011, 02:23:52 UTC
[Hey, Rise is a very nice person, okay. She'll dump two out of the three small boxes that she's carrying on him (and keeping the medium-heavy one with her because those two are probably pretty heavy by themselves) and point to the direction she's heading-- the school.]

I appreciate it. It's not far, I promise.


[ action ] mistyarc September 16 2011, 02:38:50 UTC
[He takes the boxes without complaint -- he'd offered, after all -- and while it is a little heavy, it's nothing he can't deal with. Readjusting them for a more comfortable grip, he looks in the direction of the school and nods.

That's not far at all.]


[ action ] liketofu September 17 2011, 07:00:53 UTC
[And Rise knows better than to let people walk in silence especially after offering to help, so she'll insert a little chatter of her own.]

They're for the party later. I'd offer to help out with the whole play thing but...I think they've gotten enough people helping out with that. It's not too heavy for you, is it?


[ action ] mistyarc September 17 2011, 21:34:12 UTC
No, it's fine.

[There's a semi-awkward pause.]

About Naoto . . . did you see that entry earlier?


[ action ] liketofu September 19 2011, 13:49:20 UTC
[...why you gotta go and ruin that nice happy smile, Hubert. It fades, replaced by a more sober look.]

You mean the video one?


[ action ] mistyarc September 19 2011, 14:20:12 UTC
[Business first, Rise. Business first.]

Yes. Is that the reason you inquired about her?


[ action ] liketofu September 21 2011, 16:01:06 UTC
[There is a momentary pause as she glances down at the box in her hands.]

Yeah. It is.


[ action ] mistyarc September 21 2011, 23:34:30 UTC
[ . . . ]

Did something happen?


[ action ] liketofu September 22 2011, 18:10:08 UTC
She hasn't come home. It's been a few days since I've heard from her...but her stuff's still there.


[ action ] mistyarc September 23 2011, 00:51:42 UTC
Which means she's still here and that entry indicated as much . . .

[The Organization's doing?]

Then she should've been returned and simply happens to be missing to the public eye.


[ action ] liketofu September 23 2011, 07:01:37 UTC
But if that's true, she would've come home already. [walk walk walk] She's not the type to just hide somewhere.


[ action ] mistyarc September 23 2011, 18:08:05 UTC
Could that . . . [that strange, strange broadcast] have been some sort of clue?

Well, people aren't known to be the same as usual when they're initially returned.


[ action ] liketofu September 24 2011, 07:15:45 UTC
But they've at least appeared in the village. [She shakes her head.] I dunno, it just seems strange to me-- even that...whatever that was.


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