FIC: Day One (SGA Slash)

Jun 16, 2010 20:37

Title: Day One
Genre: slash/romance
Characters: John and Rodney and a tiny bit of Keller
Rating: T.
Word count: ~ 5,700
Warning: None
Spoilers: anything up through season 5
Author Notes: This fic was written as a prompt from shortnudel as part of the Chimera release celebration.  She requested a fic in which Rodney comes to the realization that Keller is not the ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, john sheppard, slash, fan fiction, rodney mckay

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Comments 16

jane_connor June 17 2010, 06:54:59 UTC
Oh, poor John, so clueless! And Rodney is so matter of fact with the dating thing, and hopeful at the same time. *squishes them*

That was great, thank you!


liketheriverrun June 18 2010, 23:26:29 UTC
I'm so glad you liked it. Thanks!


dru_evilista June 17 2010, 18:42:20 UTC
That was so sweet! Love Rodney's logic about how they should date. I can actually see him saying that.


liketheriverrun June 18 2010, 23:27:25 UTC
Well, it was the most logical choice. *G* Glad you enjoyed it. Thanks!


rissabby June 17 2010, 22:03:02 UTC
That was just great. I really, really enjoyed it. Unfortunately, I have to run off so I can't tell you all my favorite things.
I love "The Last Man" fics. Old!Rodney's work and sacrifice was so astounding; he deserves lots of happy fan fic for his efforts.


liketheriverrun June 18 2010, 23:30:20 UTC
Yes, I agree, hologram!Rodney deserved to have things fixed so everything was better for him. So happy you enjoyed the fic. Thanks so much!


margec01 June 18 2010, 00:53:36 UTC
You know, I could almost see this happening. Rodney sort of musing along, thinking aloud. John sort of daring the both of them to actually go for it. Circling each other just to check whether the other one REALLY means it.

But then not quite sure how to proceed when they're in the puddlejumper and ready to go to the next level. But finally, the kiss makes them stop thinking so much and realize they are the best for each other.

No matter how many of them I read, I like the stories which get rid of Jennifer and Rodney realizes John is who he truly loves. Great story!


liketheriverrun June 18 2010, 23:32:46 UTC
I like the way you put that...circling each other, because I think that's exactly what they were doing. (I also think Rodney figured what the hell, may as well go for it like I've always wanted to, and if he turns me down, I can plead breakup/drunken insanity. *G*) So happy that you enjoyed it. Thanks!


ozsaur June 19 2010, 12:14:38 UTC
So many things to love about this. They're both so clueless, but somehow manage to find the right path. And their first date fits them perfectly. I really love the little glimpse of their future at the end. Enjoyed this very much!


liketheriverrun June 28 2010, 03:16:45 UTC
Thank you so very much! I have to admit I love them cluelessly finding each other. *G*


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