My First Podfic! Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda (SGA Gen)

Feb 07, 2010 17:08

Okay, very exciting news for me!

revolutionaryjo contacted me a few weeks ago to let me know that she had offered up her podfic services as part of the Haiti relief auctions that have taken place here on Live Journal.  The winner of the auction, podfic_lover requested that she read Coulda, Shoulda, Woulda.  I just finished listening to all wonderful 41 minutes, and Jo does an ( Read more... )

stargate atlantis, john sheppard, fan fiction, rodney mckay, team

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Comments 2

spacedmonkey February 14 2010, 08:08:04 UTC
I am completely over excited about this and the prospect of another.


liketheriverrun February 19 2010, 05:48:49 UTC
She does a great job with the read. I hope you enjoyed it. And yes, I'm looking forward to Pegasus Device, too. *G*


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