Title: That old Mpreg chestnut

Jul 28, 2007 22:38

Title: That old Mpreg chestnut
Author: likestowrite
Pairing:  Ianto/Jack. Team are included (Don't worry Gwen sparingly)
Spoilers: None
Rating: U I think, I don't believe there is any swearing in it...
Summary: Indirect Mpreg sequel to the Property series some kind people...lets say enthused over, (which I'm thankful for, as it was pleasure to write). Hope people enjoy reading it. May be a sequel or two down the line.
Disclaimer: No copy right intended. I have no financial gain from this, it's just a bit of fun. Characters belong to R.T.D


“You alright back there Ianto?” Jack asked looking in the rear view mirror after he took the corner with more force than necessary. Ianto swayed and looked as if he was about to throw up,
“Fine Jack” he replied
“Since when did you get car-sick?” Owen asked from the passenger side, he took intentionally to annoy Ianto
“I don’t”
“Maybe you’re coming down with something” Tosh offered, rubbing his back
“Or maybe Jack could drive more carefully” Gwen glared rubbing her elbow “you’ve already bought a house with him there’s no need to try to impress him with you gung-ho attitude” she continued, obviously in one of those moods
“Maybe it was what I made last night” Ianto managed still queasy
“Oh what was it?” Tosh asked, completely missing the point of Ianto’s point
“Coq au vin” Jack replied “it was absolutely gorgeous, and in any case I’m alright”
“What’s with the extravagance?” Owen said bitterly, as Jack turned another corner quickly
“Do I need an excuse to cook?” Ianto glared
“I know but coq au vin is so…”
“Elegant?” Tosh said
“A waste of wine?” Gwen said
“So French” Owen finished
“You’re not the most cultured person are you” Jack said grinning at Owen
“What’s wrong with steak and chips?”
“Too easy and predictable” Ianto said as Jack pulled into the Hub garage
“And I have high standards” Jack said parking the SUV
“Not that high” Owen snorted and glanced quickly at Ianto before unfastening his seatbelt
“Hey!” Jack protested and managed to clip him around the head as he was getting out
Tosh and Gwen got out, the latter still sore at Jacks rough handling of the SUV,
“Gwen there isn’t even a bruise, you’ll live” Tosh said inspecting Gwen’s elbow
“But it hurts” she whined
“Well of course it would you did hit it off the side of the car” Tosh stated in a ‘use your common sense’ kind of way
Jack aided Ianto out of the SUV, and leaned him up against it
“Oh Jack not now, wait until my stomach stops flipping” Ianto said taking it in the wrong direction
“I wasn’t going to suggest a quickie, not yet anyway. I just wanted to make sure you can walk in a straight line”
“I can walk a straight line” Ianto protested, and slid down the side of SUV
“Well you’re doing a good job so far” Jack said and pulled Ianto to his feet, “lean on me, then you can lie down once we get into the Hub”
“We are in the Hub so just drop me here, I’ll be fine”
“Stop being pedantic, and we’ve spent many a night on the cold concrete and it did neither of us any good in the morning, so stop whining” Jack said
“I’m not whining” Ianto said before passing out
“What do you mean he’s left?” Jack said with raised voice as Tosh took a blood sample from Ianto
“What do you think I mean,” Tosh said, today she was the only one using common sense, “he said he’s off early because you hit him.”
“I didn’t hit him, I ‘clipped’ him. There is a big difference”
“Jack!” Gwen called from her station, “another weevil sighting”
“Again?” Jack complained
“Go, I can take care of Ianto” Tosh said initiating a scan.
“But what if-” Jack started, he really didn’t want to leave Ianto unconscious on an autopsy table
“He’ll be fine, the sooner you go the sooner you’ll get back”
“Right, call me when he wakes up” Jack told her heading out, then hurried back to give Ianto a chaste kiss, “I’m going, I’m going” he called when Tosh looked exasperated
 “Argh, my head” Ianto groaned upon awakening
“Careful,” Tosh said as he sat upright and went to catch him in case he did fall
“What happened?”
“You passed out after getting out of the SUV”
“Where’s Jack?”
“He’s gone to get another weevil. He should be back soon enough”
“Oh,” Ianto sounded disappointed, which didn’t escape Tosh’s notice “so what’s wrong with me?”
“Well…” Tosh said, in that tone that was disbelief and amazement rolled into one.
“Hey, there’s Owen” Gwen said as they passed said doctor in the SUV, Jack screeched to a halt, luckily there was no one behind him.
“Owen get in!” Jack called, sticking his head out of the window
“Balls,” Owen muttered as he climbed in “what is it now?”
“Well last time I checked you were a doctor, and Ianto needs one”
“What about Tosh?” Owen said quickly just wanting to hit the bar
“Tosh is actually due a night off, you however aren’t. Where do you want dropping Gwen” Jack said changing the subject so Owen couldn’t object
“Home thanks”
“Right now you’ve dropped her off, is there any need for me to see tea-boy? Tosh is more than capable of running a few tests”
“I actually wanted to talk to you” Jack said in an odd manner
“So you’re telling me…” Ianto asked Tosh for the fifth time very slowly
“Mm hm” she nodded feeling very overwhelmed by the whole thing
“Are you sure?”
“You’re was the only sample I ran” Tosh replied, flitting her eyes around
“You can make eye contact Tosh” Ianto said, as it was annoying him that she wasn’t,
“I know…this is all so bizarre and it’s been such a long day”
 Ianto laughed, he knew exactly what she meant.
“We’re back!” Jack called, coming from the garage with Owen, whom bore the same expression as Tosh.
“I need a drink” Owen said as he met up with Tosh in the lab bay
“Mind if I join you?” she said dragging Owen away
“How’s the patient?” Jack asked sitting down next to Ianto
“I’m fine, there’s nothing wrong with me.”
“I’m relieved you gave me quite the scare” Jack said hugging Ianto
“Although, there is something I need to tell you…”
“Coincidently I have something I need to tell you. My office?”
“Privacy would be better” Ianto decided as he saw Tosh take a big swill of Owens whiskey he kept for ‘medicinal purposes’
“Well?” Jack asked breaking the silence
“Sorry I was waiting for you to start”
“Shall we do it together after 3?”
Ianto nodded
“1…2…3…you didn’t say anything”
“Well neither did you”
“Ok, again after three…3, I’m pregnant”
“I’m pregnant” Ianto said at the exact same time

The pair fell silent and looked nervously at one another.

Back at their house Jack and Ianto still hadn’t spoken, just nervous glances and a lot of gaping like fishes, intent on saying something but the words failing to materialise.

“I’m going to bed” was all that was spoken that night by Ianto, Jack just followed silently.


“Morning! What’s new” Gwen bounced in, in an awfully cheery mood
Tosh and Owen looked at one another before Tosh got out that almost finished bottle of whiskey from the previous night
“Oh that was a good one you almost had me. I mean the look on your two faces is priceless.” Gwen laughed, after they told her
“Gwen we’re not joking” Tosh said seriously
“Pffft, how daft do you think I am. Pregnant? Them two?”
“Gwen we have the readouts, it’s true” Owen said brandishing pieces of paper at her
“Oh come on, even I could whip up a few fake results on there”
“For gods sake Gwen we are for once being serious. Jack is pregnant. So is Ianto” Tosh said reaching the end of her very short tether
“Owen just in case you didn’t notice they are both men” Gwen said patronisingly slowly
“In case YOU didn’t notice, Jack isn’t exactly the normal man. Neither is Ianto for that matter…well he’s just bloody too tidy” Owen verified after Tosh gave him a curious look

Jack and Ianto walked in silently as the cog door rolled back.
“You two should hear this one,” Gwen started without as much as a ‘hello’ “Tosh and Owen say you two are both pregnant, how ridiculous” she said in a fit of giggles.
Jack looked mortified, Ianto had his impenetrable calm exterior up then flew off to the coffee machine, while Jack nigh on sprinted to his office.
“Told you” Tosh said with glee averting her eyes when Gwen looked at her in amazement, although it came off more of a glare.
“You finishing that?” she said reaching for the bottle taking a swig.

“Here’s a coffee Jack” Ianto said quietly entering the office.
“Is coffee wise to give to a growing baby?” Jack asked, knowing the answer but knew it was a tentative way to breach the subject
“Its decaf, although if you’d prefer there are some herbal teas in the cupboard” Ianto said quickly and turn to leave
“No wait, it’s alright. Can you stay, we should discuss this” Jack begged
“I know we should, and we will just not now, not here”
“Ok then,” Jack said, sounding the tiniest bit disappointed
Ianto crossed the room and hugged Jack, “don’t worry” he breathed as Jack tightened the embrace “…you’re going to be a great dad”.

“Gwen you may want to put the bottle down. You do have the rest of the day to work” Ianto warned as he passed her
“Yes! Work, ah-ha that, I should erm just go and…yeah” she nervously mumbled and took off to her workstation to get started on her reports
“Ianto, how are you…you know?” Owen asked head cocked to one side staring at Ianto’s stomach area
“Don’t know, I suppose it’ll shed more light on the matter when I talk to Jack…but honestly I don’t care”
“Aw sweetie” Tosh melted (as always) and gripped Ianto into a choking hug
“Tosh, your coffee” he spluttered to get her off
“Make mine Irish” Owen demanded
“It’s not wise to drink on duty” Ianto pointed out, ascending the stairs
“Not wise to get knocked up but never mind”
“So let’s go through this again…” Ianto said in bed
“For the third time? I thought you were suppose to be intelligent” Jack protested
Ianto scowled giving Jack the evils
“Right, along time ago I was with this alien, and she was phwoar, I mean really big-”
“Moving on” Ianto said quickly
“Right yes anyway. During…you know ‘it’, she transferred some well something comparable to a human womb, only microscopic. She only told me afterwards, I assumed it was only one” Jack shrugged
“And you passed one on to me?” Ianto asked slowly
“I guess so, but I didn’t do it deliberately. It just happened” Jack winced expecting Ianto to go off on one.
“…right…” Ianto nodded, still uncertain, “…goodnight then” he said cheerfully pecking Jack on the lips and snuggled down into bed
Jack was completely blindsided by it, and thought it was just a ruse before he really went ape. Ianto didn’t stir, he seemed quite relaxed.
“Night” Jack said in a confused tone, getting a groaning response off Ianto. The day having took its toll he was already asleep. Jack snuggled down behind Ianto and wrapped his arms around his waist before drifting off himself.

~…6 months later…~

“What’s this?” Jack asked as Tosh presented him with a bag
“Go on open it” she said giddy with excitement, Jack did so
“What’s all this? Tosh you really didn’t have to” Jack said tearing up. Tosh perched herself on his desk merrily
“I know, but how could I resist? Such cute little booties,” she said waving them about, Jack broke down and cried happily “aw, Jack, you’ll be alright, your just a bit hormonal that’s all”
“You think?” Jack cried.
Ianto walked in with an herbal tea, “Tosh what have you done now?”
“Me, nothing I just bought some booties, and a few supplies for you both and Jacks hormonal again”
“Ooh lets have a look” Ianto said raking through the bag
“Oh thanks very much.” Jack sniffed “I’ll just sit here and blubber while you have the time of your life”
Tosh rolled her eyes, but loved the banter between the two being pregnant caused.
“Aw what’s the matter? Do you need a hug?” Ianto asked patronisingly, Jack sobbed again and nodded. Tosh giggled as Ianto pulled Jack close into a hug.


“Well that’s just tough tits Prime Minister. You should have called earlier if you needed our help!” Jack shouted and slammed the phone down.
Owen and Tosh looked up to Jacks office then over to Ianto.
“What? Don’t expect me to go up there when he’s in that sort of mood” Ianto protested and picked up another doughnut
“you should stop eating them ‘cause once that kids born your still going to have a belly that size” Owen said pointing at Ianto’s bump with his pen.
Ianto’s lower lip quivered, “that’s not nice Owen” Ianto choked
“Owen! You did that on purpose” Tosh hissed and went over to Ianto
“I know, I wanted to see what would happen” Owen said smugly
“You know you can really hit below the belt sometimes” Ianto mumbled to Owen from the comfort of Tosh’s cleavage.
“Oi, how come when I’m like that I don’t get the pleasures of being there?” Owen demanded pointing jealously at Ianto being held close into Tosh’s chest.
“Because you’d enjoy it too much” Tosh said and stroked Ianto’s hair.


“So what’s going to happen here then?” Jack asked Ianto one night in bed
“What’s going to happen where?”
“Here, the house. Are we going to have two nurseries or one? What colour? Then there is baby proofing. And schooling and should we get a nanny? What do children like?” Jack rattled off
“Which one do you want me to answer first? The room is big enough for two changing stations so that shouldn’t be a problem, and two cots. We could have one for all the changing and storage and one as their bedroom, unless you’d prefer they slept in our room…” Ianto replied, and Jack nuzzled closer and nodded against Ianto’s neck “And when the time comes they can have two separate rooms. Colour wise it should be something calming I would say, stimulation is good for brain development but not when they need sleep. As for a ‘nanny’ I think Tosh wants that role, she’s been every bit supportive and caring all the way, and I’ll ask Tosh to get some prospectuses on schools in our area. It’s been a while since I’ve been a child so I really don’t recall…Jack...Jack?” Ianto asked, but Jack was dozing away Ianto rolled his eyes and tried to get some sleep.

~…2  months later…~

“Tell me the truth; do you think I will ever get my taught abdominals back?” Ianto asked caressing his bump in the mirror
“I certainly hope so. I’m awfully fond of them” Jack said lying back on the bed
“You know what I mean, oh god what if I get stretch marks?”
“You won’t get them, stop worrying”
“Oh yes cause male pregnancy is just the norm now-a-days” Ianto drawled sarcastically
“Will you stop worrying? It can’t be doing you or our child any good”
“I hate it when you say that; ‘our child’” Ianto said with narrow eyes
“What?! Why?”
“Because I go all gooey and I’ll do anything you ask” Ianto swooned
“In that case, come and lie down you need the rest”
“Yes sitting in the Hub all day takes it right out of you” Ianto drawled again lying down next to Jack
“Look go to sleep. If that has to be an order then so be it”
“Well our child you’re carrying could do with the sleep, even if she does have the unfair advantage of having an immortal father”
“So does yours” Jack was quick to point out
“Immortal father whom regenerates back into perfection”
“Flatterer” Jack said leaning in for a kiss
“Argh” Ianto gasped and clutched his bump.
“What, what is it?” Jack asked immediately concerned
“Argh- cramps, its nothing really I’ve been getting them all afternoon”
“Ianto…think about it”
“What are you…oh no, that’s not funny Jack. It’s only been 8 months”
“Well you are always early for everything.”
“You can stop taking such pleasure from it, and have the decency to hide that smirk” Ianto growled
“You want to call Owen or shall I” Jack said maintaining the grin and dangled the phone in front of Ianto
“You bloody smarmy-” Ianto started before grabbing the phone off him

“Just to let you both know I hate you” Owen said in all seriousness as he prepped Ianto for what would be similar to a c-section
“Do me a favour; no scars please” Ianto asked innocently
“Don’t even start” Owen warned
“I can’t look” Jack said and turned away but still held Ianto’s hand
“How the bloody hell do you think I feel? Since when are you squeamish anyway?” Owen grumbled “anyway you’re going to have to go through this so you may as well watch” Owen said with a hint of glee

~…A lot of cursing later…~

“Aww she’s so cute” Tosh melted, and ruffled Ianto’s hair
“Are you sure she’s healthy?” Ianto asked, yet again, this repetition was beginning to annoy Owen
“Physically yes, emotionally in years ahead when she finds out she and her sister are product of two horny men one with microscopic alien wombs who’s also immortal…then I’m not quite so sure”
“You had to ruin the moment didn’t you” Tosh glared “have you thought of a name?” she asked excitedly, watching Jack bounce the child
“Not yet,” Ianto sighed and collapsed back onto the table “I’m knackered”
“How? It was a c-section or as close as you were going to get.” Owen said, still in a bad mood
“Emotionally tired.” Ianto glared back, he still couldn’t resist a verbal sparing session with Owen
“May I?” Tosh asked Jack, who duly handed her over “hello there, what’s your name?” Tosh cooed
“Where’s Gwen” Owen bitched “shouldn’t she be here”
“The fact we got pregnant in the first place freaked her out, I don’t think she’d want to see this” Jack said perching next to Ianto
“Her loss” Ianto breathed, closing his eyes resting his head on Jacks side
“Exactly, if she can’t get past it then she’ll just have to be transferred” Jack said “I don’t want our children been subject to that”
“Be fair it is a big adjustment” Tosh mentioned
“Can I get transferred?” Owen asked, half jokingly
“Mmm no” Jack decided
“She’ll come round eventually, yes she will, yes she will” Tosh cooed to the child, the three men gave her a collective curious stare
“Oh what” Tosh spat in a friendly manner before handing the newborn back to Ianto
“I need a drink” Owen muttered and left the Hub
“Oooh baby toys” Tosh squealed with glee, grabbed her bag and left with Owen.
“Look what we did” Jack melted at seeing Ianto with babe in arms
“To be fair I think we should pay some homage to the ‘phwoar’ alien that transferred some ‘wombs’ to you” Ianto whispered as the girl yawned
“Aaww” they said simultaneously

~… a month, or so later…~

“Well you are always late you know” Ianto smirked by Jacks side
“Stop being flippant” Jack mockingly scolded
 “Ready boys? ‘Cause this could be tricky” Owen said before he made the incision

~…A lot more cursing than before later…~

“Now, any other surprises?” Owen breathed, completely knackered
“Well now you mention it…” Ianto said with a tight smile “I am sort of, well you know…”
“You’re up the duff again!” Owen protested. Tosh looked giddy with excitement holding the baby girl they had yet to name until her sister was born.
“Nah, only kidding” Ianto laughed
“That’s just…nah I’m not having that” Owen pouted and took himself away in a hissy fit
“Do you want to go see your sister, I bet you do” Tosh cooed, once more to the girl, even though she knew she couldn’t reply.
“They’re so beautiful” Tosh swooned, “just like their parents”
“Flatterer, what do you want a pay rise or something” Jack bantered
“Couldn’t hurt” Tosh smiled, playing along “now, importantly baby names have you decided?”
“I’m guessing you have some suggestions?” Ianto smiled taking his daughter off Tosh
“That’s for tomorrow, or unless I don’t like yours then I’ll tell you now” Tosh said with a cheeky grin
“Get yourself home Tosh.” Jack told her with a warming smile
“Anything thing you need before I go?”
“I’ve got everything I’ve ever wanted” Jack smiled looking at Ianto and their daughters
“Goodnight then” Tosh said leaving
“Tosh,” Jack called “…just thanks”
“Always” she smiled back

“Should I be worried?” Ianto asked as Tosh left
“You know we talked about your flippancy before”
Ianto shrugged innocently, and sat down next to Jack.
“Want to go home?” he asked kissing Jack on the head.
“Yeah, lets” he said admiring his daughters as Ianto beamed with pride.

fic, fluff, property, mpreg

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