The Crow's Nest [Friday evening]

May 09, 2008 16:55

Barbossa was in the radio office drinking heavily as squirrel after squirrel after squirrel came in with notes about the day's events.

He wasn't doing the broadcast, no.

Didn't mean he wasn't using the amount of work as an excuse to drink.

"I be needin' a vacation," he grumbled to the nearest squirrel. "I be far too responsible these days. 'n what be wit' the ream o' paper about someone not givin' ye pie?"

His eyes caught a brochure about a the pirate lairs of Greece and a new exhibit of pirate booty.

He brought the brochure closer, then rubbed his eyes and looked again. "That necklace be mine!" he cried.

He'd rightfully stolen it from someone before some Greek pirate'd taken it from him, anyway.

Time to take it back. It was good to have a plan for next week.

[OOC: Establishy!]
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