Title: five times fred & george were nearly more than brothers
Author: likecharity
Pairing: Fred/George
Rating: R
Warnings: Incest, character death
Summary: ...see title.
A/N: Basically, I really wanted to write twincest again, so here you go. :)
They're seven years old and scampering up the stairs back to their bedroom... )
Comments 33
I think this was amazing! I liked especially how realistic this seemed. I think sections one and four were my favourites, and five made me wibble in all the good ways!
This is just perfect, and now I'm going back to read all of your other twincest-y fics.
Sorry for my lame feedback xD I really really loved this.
ANYWAY. Thank you very much, that wasn't lame feedback at all. I'm sorry I made you cry and suffer but I'm glad it was the good kind. *grins sadistically* :D
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But anyway, thank you so so much. <3 I'm glad you enjoyed it.
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I don't think it's odd that you liked the first one, that was my favourite to write, I think. I always figured if the twins did have a relationship it would start out that early, and kind of how that bit is.
I do always write incest! I must've only written about four or five fics that aren't incestuous. I know how you feel about always writing slash, too. I do write het and femslash but I find it way harder. Which, yeah, is weird, because we're girls, we should find it easier to write stuff with ACTUAL GIRLS in. Ah well.
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