Title: Fearless (Mult-Chp.)
Author: xlolitsnozomix
Pairing: Hanchul
Rating: PG-13 for now
Genre: angst, romance, AU, fantasy
Words: 1600
Summary: Heechul doesn't like the idea of having to share his already amazing lifestyle and perfect home with a foreign stranger aka THE EXCHANGE STUDENT. However, when he actually meets said stranger, things
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Comments 5
but..this is kinda lead to a supernatural creature, right? and I still don't know what is that! What I know is..they have wings and colored eyes. LOL
it got me more interested loolxD!
please no angst keke~
and i think that "creature" is hankyung hahahaha!!!
update soon~
Ah, this is so incredibly awesome~
*shivers* really really those part where you’re describing that “creature” in chullie’s head just creeps the heck outta me..xDD I see in my head is monster from a 1940’s horror movie…*yea im the weird type so sorry*
I absolutely love the epic fluffs here..yea..<333 Geng where have you been in the whole life of chullie?!! Gosh`~ this two are my OTP..:) and sungmin & Heechul as besties are just too good for words..will wait for more bb..<3333 awsssum ^^
can't wait for for the suspence and mysteries of it ^^
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