Title: Hope on Fire (Parts 1, 2, & 3/???)
Fandom: FFVIII
Characters/Pairings: Selphie-centric, eventual Seifer/Selphie
Rating: PG-13 (for now - will go up in later chapters)
Warnings: A very unconventional way to look at Sorceress powers and the way Knights come to be Knights. (I warn for canon purists who may or may not like my take on all this
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Comments 6
ANYway. I'm glad you're enjoying it so far! :D
I obviously await the next installment with baited breath (bated?)
Don't make Squall happy
Never. Squall is actually going to start cutting in the next chapter, wait for it. :p
If your story had a soundtrack to it, I'll be the conventional one and say that Requiem for a Dream has to be on it. With the fire and Seifer and all.
And hooray for higher rating!
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