My 2009 Scrapbook

Jan 05, 2010 00:10

This really did take me weeks to put together so I really hope you all enjoy a few (or a lot) of my favorite things about my 2009. Happy New Year to all of our new members!

♥ ♥ .:. C o u p l e s o f 2 0 0 9 .:. ♥ ♥

Joey and Pacey Where do I even begin to express my new-found love

for this couple?? They are the epicest of the most epic! I don't even care if

"epicest" isn't a word. They are it. Love. Love. Love. One thing I enjoyed about

their relationship is the dialogue they exchanged. It was always so sarcastic

and quick-witted. And their adorability factor was just ridiculously sweet! All

of their kisses and hugs were so loving. These two had such great chemistry. I

just started shipping them this year but they will forever more be my OTP.

Echo and Paul I'll admit that I was mostly wrapped up in Victor &

Sierra with the first season of Dollhouse, but this season made me ship Paul and

Echo forever. Especially after the episode "Meet Jane Doe". Paul and Echo are

just so subtle and sweet. They balance eachother well and I must shallowly admit

that they are both so pretty together. ;-P

Victor and Sierra One word = ADORABLE! The way they both still

continue to remember eachother, even after their minds have been erased, is so

heart touching to me. They are the couple I love to ship because they are just

too precious together to be apart. Just like Willow & Oz.

Damon and Elena I will admit, I haven't read any of TVD books, but

on the show I am all aboard this ship. Why? Umm, have you seen these two

interact? There are sparks flying all over the place. ;) I love the chemistry

these two have. Damon is just so darn entertaining. I know he is ~te evil~ but I

find him to be the most interesting character on that show. He makes Elena more

interesting just by talking to her.

Booth and Bones Oh my bb's! When these two finally do get

together, it will be epic. I know it. I'm in no rush to see them finally become

a "couple", because I think they already are in some ways. They just need to

admit their feelings. I love how both Booth and Bones are such original

characters. They really learn from eachother. And they are so darn hilarious!

Richard and Kahlan Chemistry? Yes. Impossibley cute? Yes. I like how

Kahlan protects Richard and looks out for him. She can hold her own. Together

they are the cutest thing ever.

Buffy and Angel Spike? MOVE OVER! I'm sorry, but Buffy and Angel

will always be the perfect ~forbidden love~ couple. Those actors worked so well

together it was insane! Their chemistry was impossible to re-create. No one else

would ever be good enough for Buffy. I believe that, in the end, Buffy went and

found Angel and they lived happily ever after in Epic Shipperdom.

Jim and Pam This couple is so underrated for its' epicness! Their

whole relationship is perfect. Just the right amount of angst/longing/laughter

and love. Their marriage ceremony was just... the best ever. ♥

Neytiri and Jake I know, I know, EVERYONE went crazy over this

movie. But they have good reason! It was amazing and part of what made it

amazing was the love story going on between Jake Sully and Neytiri. I loved

these two. The way Neytiri had to teach Jake everything was so funny and sweet.

When Jake stares at Neytiri with those soulful eyes of his, my heart was full of

warm fuzzies. :D They may be blue, but they are still epic!

Kara and Lee Most epic couple of SciFi! They really were a huge

part of my 2009 year. I'm crazy about these two. No one could ever match their

love story. They've been through so much together. They have been friends,

lovers, and enemies. They are soulmates. THE END.

Harry and Ginny Unless you have read the HP series AND seen all

the movies, you will not understand how amazingly awesome these two are!! Their

relationship is so subtle in the books but also very passionate. I adore it when

the guy finally wakes up and realizes he is in love with ~the girl. The way

Ginny is so feisty and spirited fits perfectly with Harry. He needs someone who

will take control when necessary and watch over him every now and then. They are

my all-time OTP! (Along with Pacey and Joey.)

Jacob and Bella You all know I am a sucker for the underdog, but

Jacob is so much more than that. He is just...awesome. How did I not ever notice

it before?? Was I just trying to suppress my love for him? For this ship? I

think I was blinded by Edward's ~sparkles for far too long! The New Moon movie

made me realize just how much I love these two together. Their relationship is

so real and it grew slowly, over time. It wasn't BAM!In Your Face like Edward

was. Jacob was always there for her, no matter what. He never gave up on her. He

never left her. He was the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. BELLA SWAN, WHY


Peter and Olivia My love for Joshua Jackson was part of the reason

I decided to give this couple a chance. But I soon fell in love with both of

these characters. Olivia is tough but not unapproachable. I think these two have

such good chemistry. The way they look out for eachother and communicate is

precious. They are soon becoming a top ship.

Willow and Oz Best red-headed couple ever! Oh I could gush and

gush forever about how freakin' adorable these two are. They were the perfect

couple. I was so so upset when Oz left and Willow became lesbian. :( They were

so meant to be. Oz was funny in such a sarcastic and subtle way. I loved it!

Willow was just a sweetheart and Oz was great with her.

Satine and Christian If you ever saw Moulin Rouge, you will know

how epic these two are! I adore them. They're pretty, they can sing, and they

have an amazing connection (Example, ~seeing into your soul~ eyes). Just epic.

Zoe and Sam I ship them just because they're pretty. *_*

.:. H o n o r a b l e M e n t i o n s .:.
Jack and Jen; Matt and Caroline.

.:. T V S e r i e s o f 2 0 0 9 .:.

Legend of the Seeker I admit that I started watching this show

because almost my whole F-List was into it. I ended up really enjoying the first

season! Everyone is so pretty and I am a sucker for slow-mo action scenes. The

setting for the show is gorgeous. I love the landscapes. All in all, it is

pretty cheesy, but I like it that way. Richard and Kahlan make this show work.

Battlestar Galactica I'm torn about the last season of this left a lot to be desired, I think. But the first two seasons of this

show was spectacuular! I loved so many couples and characters on this show. It

will always be one of my favorites.

The Vampire Diaries When I saw the first promo for this show, I

thought "Oh great. Another vampire show." But I was pleasantly surprised. Damon

and Elena, Caroline and many good couples. I really like all of the

characters... well most of them. Jeremy as Elena's brother is love.

Fringe The X-Files meets Bones. I FREAKIN' LOVE THIS SHOW! I never

knows what the heck is going on and I love it. Plus there's Walter...oh, I love

me some Walter. That crazy old man is hilarious. Peter & Walter FTW. You all

already know I ship Peter and Olivia...

10 Things I Hate About You This another one of those shows that I

thought was going to ruin the movie for me. But not to worry, this show is just

as good as the original movie. And it's on every week! Who wouldn't want to see

Kat & Patrick interaction every week?? The actors were brilliantly cast and the

storyline is cute and refreshing. It's the only cheesy ABC show I will indulge

myself in watching.

Dawson's Creek How could I have not watched this show sooner???

It's fantastic! The dialogue is brilliant. The actors were actually young and

not 25 year olds pretending to still be in high school. They could act. They

were uniquely beautiful. Every character was deep and meaningful (except for

*cough*Dawson*cough*). I love this show so so much and I am so glad I got the

chance to finally watch it this year.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer I finally watched and finished Buffy this

year! I did skip over the seasons without Angel, but I still finished. This show

was... just so awesome. There were so many reasons why I loved it. It was

directed beautifully. It could make you laugh one minute, and have you bawling

yours eyes out in the next. I loved everyone on this show dearly. So many good

actors and actresses came out of this show. It was pure genius!

Bones This show never gets old. So many fun investigations and

couples to ship. ♥ It never fails to have me laughing and I love that

they brought Emily's sister in for the last episode!

Dollhouse This show got SO GOOD this season! I'm going to be sad

to see it go. :( It has a brilliant cast and great plot line. I ship everyone on

that show! They all make me so happy.

Everwood My love for Everwood was renewed this year!! My sister

bought all of the DVDs for every season and I spent hours gushing over

Amy/Ephram and Hannah/Bright all over again. This was how it was done! Teen

drama, angst, and love was at its' best! I will always love this show and hold

it close to my heart. It makes me think of my younger days...which actually

wasn't that long ago... ;)

.:. M o v i e s o f 2 0 0 9 .:.

New Moon Just as good as I expected it to be. Visually stunning

and beautiful acting. (Jacob and Bella owned this movie!) Everything was better.

Chris Weitz wins at life.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince There was action, there was

romance, there was more Ginny!! What more could my Harry Potter/Shipper heart

ask for? Nothing! (OK maybe a more epic kiss for H/G, but I can't complain.)

The Village First time to see this movie. I loved it. I wasn't all

that scared, but I loved Bryce and Joaquin. ♥ They were really good in

this movie.

The Covenant Let's be honest here... I watched it for the pretty

boys. O_O But I ended up really enjoying all of the action! Steven Strait...that

boy is just pure love. I didn't care much for his relationship with the

girl...what was her name?.. but I enjoyed all of other stuff.

Moulin Rouge Another old movie that I finally got to see this

year. Words cannot express how much I love this movie. Nicole and Ewan were so

so stunning! Their voices... oh my their voices. O_O I fell in love with

Christian this year. And I fell hard. <3 Men with beautiful voices = really hot.

I'm sorry. Is that shallow? The end of this movie breaks my heart but it is

still worth it.

This Is It The title says it all. This movie really wat ~it~.

EPIC. Just wow... I didn't know Michael was that amazing.

Avatar Ummm... can you say AWESOME? This movie, right here, it

owns you.

The Uninvited I really liked this movie. Emily Browning and

Arielle Kebbel were so fantastic! I was not expecting that ending at all. Very

well done. It made my top movies.

.:. P e o p l e o f 2 0 0 9 .:.

Bonnie Wright Most of my love for Bonnie is probably from my love

for her character Ginny Weasley, but I must say that this year she really became

amazing. She is so gorgeous. O_O But what I love most about Bonnie is that she

is very well-spoken. Her interviews are always so poised and sophisticated.

She's very mature for her age and comfortable with herself. I like that.

Frank Ranz I saw him in Dollhouse this year and can I just say

that Topher is one awesome character! Frank really showed his acting abilities

in this series. I just adore him now.

Daniel Radcliffe Alright, I'm not gonna lie, I love him because he

is Harry Potter. ;) I love how short and cute he is. Hehehe.

Emily Browning If I could look like anyone, it would be Emily! I'm

serious, this girl is G-O-R-G-E-O-U-S. Her photoshoots have me mesmerized. She

is a really great actress as well. I actually used to dislike her, a lot.

Everyone wanted her to be Bella and I could never see it. I don't know what

happened, but I completely fell in love with this girl. I can't see how you can

NOT like her now. She also has similar characteristics like Bonnie...

Joshua Jackson The love of my life. No one will ever be as awesome

as you! This man can act, oh yes he can. Pacey Witter and Peter Bishop should

exist in real life. If only...

Ian Somerhalder This was the year for Ian. Wow. He just came out

of nowhere! I've loved him since LOST. What can I say? The boy is beautiful.

Literally. And he really showed what a talented actor he is this year with The

Vampire Diaries series. Also, he is the perfect Ian O'Shea for The Host...cough.

James McAvoy I don't care if he wasn't big in 2009. James is

ALWAYS popular every year in my books. I'm like obsessed with this guy. He is so

uniquely handsome. And don't even get me started on how AMAZING his acting is!

Taylor Lautner Wow. I tell you what, wow. I never thought he could

act as well as he did in New Moon. He literally became Jacob Black for me.

Taylor is just so fun and sweet, you have to love him on principle alone. Oh and

I do believe he worked out a little this year... ;)

John Krasinski Jim Halpert is the perfect average guy. This actor

is so simple, but amazing. I just want to hug him...and maybe marry him.

Sam Worthington I have only seen him in Avatar (so far! I will

catch up on more of his work soon) but I love this guy. He is such a wonderful

new actor. I really enjoyed his performance as Jake Sully! Plus, he is

beautiful, therefore, he makes my Top 2009 People list.

.:. B o o k s o f 2 0 0 9 .:.

The Host I originally read this book when it first came out but

still continue to love it this year. The beginning is a little tough to get

through but once you get towards the middle you will be hooked. I think the

reason I enjoyed this book so much was because it was DIFFERENT. No vampires, no

werewolves. Just Souls and Humans. :D I fell in love with Wanderer and really

admired her character. She was strong and unselfish. Plus, her relationship with

Ian O'Shea was really beautiful. I really love this book and recommend it to

anyone! And if you are a fan of the series, join the_host_novel, we

are all really nice. I promise. ;)

{Harry Potter} Deathly Hallows This was my first year to read the

Harry Potter series. I LOVE THESE BOOKS!!! So. Much. JK Rowling is just ...

she's a genius is what she is. To create this magical and spectacular world is

beyond my comprehension. I don't know how she did it but I am so glad she did!

Harry Potter will be one of my all-time favorite fictional characters. He went

through so much, he gave so much, he lost so much... The last book is one of my

favorites. It was EPIC. I am getting tired so I can't really say more but just

know that this book was one of the best books ever written.

The Hunger Games & Catching Fire Two words... SIMPLY AMAZING. I

wish I had the time to go on and on about the brilliance of this series but I do

not. I just recommend these books to anyone who loves Twilight/The Host. This

series was so refreshing to me! Very futuristic and original. I adore the main

character Katniss Everdeen and like that she has such admirable qualities. I

will admit that I do not ship the fan favorite (Katniss & Peeta) but I did enjoy

their interaction for the most part... Still, Gale Hawthorne is the character

that really drew me in. His relationship with Katniss is SO similar to Bella and

Jacob's. Gale is just the perfect best friend (and boyfriend). I'm going to

shamelessly pimp my comm now quietmoments_hg for Kat & Gale.

I hope you enjoyed this walk down memory lane for 2009! It took me a very long time to compile all of this so please take the time to comment! Pretty please?

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