This makes me so happy

Jun 26, 2015 20:16

Marriage equality for everyone in all 50 states. Yay now all can get married if they want to it's exciting. I have always thought it should be a right for everyone to be able to get married. :)))))))

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rl stuff, squeeeeeee, marriage equailty

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Comments 8

addie71 June 27 2015, 02:06:13 UTC
It's a very happy day. :D


lijahlover June 27 2015, 02:25:23 UTC
It's a great day :)


primula_baggins June 27 2015, 02:09:12 UTC
That's a cool picture. And I'm happy this is now law.


lijahlover June 27 2015, 02:28:46 UTC
On tumblr I have seen a picture of two men in their 80's getting married in Texas. Ohhhh that must hurt LOL!

This article here sums it up nicely. Texas

I hope it is accurate.


yeuxdebleu June 27 2015, 05:29:50 UTC
This is indeed a great day. I never thought it would happen during my lifetime. I have two special friends in Michigan who must be over the moon today.


lijahlover June 27 2015, 07:46:03 UTC
I know how lovely this is :D


alisanne June 27 2015, 14:37:18 UTC
I love that picture so much.
And it's a fabulous day indeed. *cheers*


lijahlover July 2 2015, 03:51:27 UTC


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