(no subject)

Sep 28, 2011 04:02

Player info
Your Name: Tai
Your E-Mail/AIM/Whatever: veridis tre
Livejournal: auraunda
Your age: Damn kids get off my lawn!

Character info
Series/Fandom: Final Fantasy VIII
Character's Name: Rinoa Heartilly
Character's Sex: Female
Character's Age: Seventeen
Canon point: Post-game
Abilities: While she has not been trained as a SeeD the way all the rest of her friends have, Rinoa is no slouch in combat. She has a natural bent for magic, and chose her projectile pinwheel weapon specifically because she doesn't have traditional combat training - it's something that just requires her to point and shoot, and even if her aim is off a little it's too big to miss as long as she's not firing wildly.

But she has become a Sorceress unexpectedly, placing her on an even level with and far above the SeeDs in most matters. She's still no good at hand-to-hand combat, but now her magic is instinctual and much more powerful than theirs, and she no longer needs to junction magic. She can use all forms of magic from her world, and as a Sorceress gets some neat tricks that she hasn't wanted to learn more about, such as taking over a person's mind and phasing through solid objects. She doesn't know if she can do those sorts of things too and doesn't want to learn more about them; she's been subject to too many of them herself to want to have the power to do those things to other people.

Strengths: Magic and ranged combat are her strengths, especially after the Sorceress transfer. If she delves deep into her Sorceress powers, she can descend into a berserker state where she grows a pair of white wings and begins casting high-powered magic indiscriminately at whatever she's fighting, with five times the normal force behind her spells. Unfortunately, there's no way to snap her out of that state once she goes into it aside from death, much shaking, or blunt force trauma. paopu

As a Sorceress, she also shares something of a psychic connection with her Knight, in this case Squall. They can communicate without words and share a sense for the other being in danger, even across long distances. It's still a fairly new skill, and they're not sure just how far it extends yet. For now, at least they know that the other is always all right, and can do something about it immediately if they aren't.

Weaknesses: She's a twig. She sucks at fighting close-up, and has basically no upper body strength. Seifer was able to drag her off despite her new Sorceress powers because of this, and because her powers were too new for her to know how to properly handle them. Even after falling into the Darkness, she still hasn't had much time to become accustomed to them, and therefore doesn't know the extent of what she can and can't do besides "blow stuff up with spells." It will take her awhile to settle into the role of Sorceress, as it's not one she finds naturally comfortable.

Background: Linked for great justice!
Appearance: Hi baby how you doin'

Personality: Rinoa Heartilly is a young woman that is stuck on the cusp of adulthood, teetering on the edge and beginning to step over. She is cheerful, bright, a light in the darkness for more than one person, someone determined to bring good to the world in any way she can, even if some of her choices don't show proper planning. She's been forced to grow up quickly since meeting the SeeDs, and while she's still trying to come to terms with several of the lessons she learned and decisions she made, she's confident in herself and her friends, honestly believing that things will turn out for the best.

She has a cheerful spirit that doesn't give up. She is immediately friendly with every person she meets, flirting with Squall upon first seeing him and then literally throwing herself at him when he turns up in her cabin on the Forest Owls base. She sees no reason to hold back, no reason to not be close to people - she's the opposite of Squall, really, because where Ellone leaving convinced him that it would only hurt to let people get close, her mother's death made Rinoa hold closer to the people she considers dear, and nearly everyone she knows is one of those people. Her heart is open, and she's not sorry for it, because she honestly feels that the more she gives away, the more she receives in return. Squall's misanthropic tendencies drive her up the wall because she honestly does not understand why he believes that, leading her to constantly badgering him to open up, and to her falling for him as she learns more about him (his looks don't hurt, either).

Rinoa is also amazingly confident and stubborn. It doesn't matter what she's told or not told to do - she is going to do what she feels is right, and what other people think doesn't matter. She runs away from home to try and liberate Timber, insists on going with the SeeDs to eliminate Edea and still manages to implement her own plan even after being forbidden, and fights alongside them to end the threat of Ultimecia. Rinoa is also the one who basically harasses Squall into coming out of his shell through simply not giving up. She is learning, however, that rushing into things without planning is generally a bad idea, since many of her latest decisions have ended badly, such as having her mind overtaken in Deling City, or even potentially becoming a Sorceress at all. It's just her luck that she wormed her way into a situation that was larger than she understood and she's over her head in, but once she gets in, she's going to see it through until the end, no matter what anyone else has to say about it.

(Icecream) In her heart of hearts, Rinoa can be unsure and timid about her decisions. She seems to have more doubt in herself than in anyone, though she hides it well, and it honestly doesn't come up that often. 93% of her is bright and cheerful, but when that 7% decides to rear its head, it comes up with a vengeance, as Squall finds out all too often. She's thrown herself into a world she doesn't understand, and forces bigger and more powerful than herself keep dragging her along through trials and peril - is it any wonder she freaks out a couple of times? But she doesn't let it stop her, either, which is honestly the best thing she can do in the face of such emotions, as her natural bravery and determination come through in order to pull her through her problems, or she receives needed and welcomed support from her friends. Her decision to allow herself to be locked away in the Sorceress Memorial is made up of fear of herself and fear of what she could possibly become, what the world could do to her and what she could possibly do to the world. It's a selfless decision, but one made out of fear, the state that no decisions should be made in. Still, she doesn't blame Esthar for what they tried to do - the soldiers were only following orders, and never treated her badly, and Esthar suffered so much in the past because of the Sorceresses that it's only logical they would want to stop the new one as soon as they could. She forgives easily, and in many cases unquestioningly. She doesn't even hold a grudge against Seifer.

Part of Rinoa hasn't grown up yet - how big a part of her that is tends to depend on what sort of day it is. Some of her actions can still be seen as childish, such as her reactions to her father and Quistis both telling her she can't accompany them to assassinate the Sorceress, and her habit of jumping from one subject to the next is enough to make anyone's head whirl. Her journey with Squall and his comrades has helped her mature and come to accept things she can't change more, but part of her still does - and probably always will - rebel against things she doesn't like, insisting she can change the world for the better and that she won't take no as an answer.

She also isn't exactly clumsy, but she does have some terrible luck in the getting-in-trouble department, so much so that more than one person has labeled her a "damsel in distress." She can't exactly disagree with it, considering she does get into trouble a lot, but she doesn't let it bother her. It kind of amuses her in a lot of ways, and she's not worried any more - she knows her friends will always help her, especially Squall, or she can use her new Sorceress powers to find a way out. Most of it is just because she's in the wrong place at the wrong time, anyway, and how is she supposed to change that?

Overall, Rinoa is a bright young lady who is ready with a smile and a laugh for almost every situation. She will not back down when the going gets rough, even if occasionally she should, and has managed to get through some difficult situations with her spirit and determination fully intact. Being thrown from her home will shake her, but she won't let her keep it down, nor will she allow others to wallow in grief.

Strengths: Her determination and happy nature are definitely her biggest strengths. They are what carry her through her hardest times and help her make friends with just about everyone she meets, building herself a support network that she knows she can depend on. The determination can get her into trouble, but overall that doesn't happen all that much (though when it does, it's big trouble). It's led to many more positive things in her life than negative, and so they're traits that she's not in any hurry to give up.

Weaknesses: Her self-doubt can be crippling when it comes up, though such times are rare. Physically, she isn't strong, even if she is a magic powerhouse now, which she hates and can cause some problems for her. She has a recurring tendency to get herself into situations that are way over her head and not realize it until it's absolutely too late. She's also a tiny bit vain about the way she looks - not so much that others really notice, but enough that it probably would get on people's nerves. She also has a really hard time concealing her emotions, so absolutely everyone can tell what she's thinking just by looking at her.


Action/Journal Sample: [When the video turns on, it shows a young woman with long black hair, a few highlights picked out near her face, crouching on her heels and looking just above the communicator in confusion.]

You mean- everything's gone? Garden, and Balamb, and- Everything?

I'm sorry, but yes. We don't know when they'll come back, either.

[And Rinoa clearly doesn't like that one bit, her eyes going wide, then shaking her head emphatically.] No, that can't be right!

It is, you can ask he- HEY!

[She's bodily snatched the communicator from the moogle, jumping to her feet as she looks into the viewscreen, almost shaking it.]

Squall?! Where are you?! Quistis, Selphie, Zell, Irvine - is anyone out there?!

RP Sample: After the shock had worn off, while she waited for Squall to arrive, Rinoa couldn't sit still. She'd instead turned to wandering the town, taking it all in while she tried to absorb the facts the moogle had described to her, even the moogle itself. I thought they were just stuffed animals.

But the town was interesting enough to distract her from things she didn't want to think about for the moment, and soon enough her focus turned to her surroundings completely. It reminded her of Timber, a little, and the thought unconsciously comforted her. Neither were big cities - definitely smaller than Deling City - and the bridges and little cut-throughs reminded her of similar places in Timber that resistance members had hidden from soldiers. it all helped calm her down, and a small smile even came to her face.

"He probably isn't right... but this isn't such a bad place to stay for awhile, it looks like."

Rinoa stepped back from the wall she'd been walking along, tilting her head back to look at the sky above her, arms stretching out to the sides as she rose up on the balls of her feet. "There's so many stars... I don't think I've ever seen this many before. The lights always block them out. It's like they just go on forever..." Like you could fly up into them and never come down.

Maybe she could. She was a Sorceress, wasn't she? Maybe, if what the moogle was saying was only possibly true, she could...

Rinoa closed her eyes, and reached for the power inside her.

Have you read the rules & F.A.Q.s? I thiiiiiink so~ Also, I'd like to talk about how you'd like me to handle Angelo. I'm fine with the dog not coming in with her, but I'm curious as to whether he can ever be found.
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